Thanks Naya for the encouragement so starting today its back to basics but of course as she has already learnt so much it will I hope be easier to...
Yep you are so so right Jojo training is an ongoing thing but right now at this 6 month stage I sometimes think I have missed something or gone...
Sure she will get there eventually but she is so so good in other ways
Yep tried that but not recently I think she is one smart cookie because I think she knew I was still there
O yeah it is fun training isn't it Jojo and the joy when someone says wow isn't she well trained. (little do they know that yesterday she was...
Thanks for that snowbunny I think you may be right I read on the forum somewhere that someone had done the same thing. Gone back to basics and it...
Yep it is interesting isn't it Selina. Tess only has to catch site of a pheaent and she is off. It used to worry me a lot but when she does that I...
Thanks for that tip Jojo I will do that. Looks like I will have a lot of hanging around waiting for her but never mind. Good job I'm retired.
Thanks Boogie yes I have total recall and have to admit I haven't read it all and I really must. Yep will give that a go with the extra treats...
Ok little Tess my Patterdale was doing O so well her recall was getting there with a whistle and by voice command her sit and stay was and is to...
Haaaao no I think I would be waiting a long time Jojo. Especially with Tess. LOL
Yeah I think it is just a puppy thing but its distraction thing that will clinch it like you say, eventually
Mmm yeah think you are right. she will sit and wait and I line the idea of throwing the treats. Will give that a go. Thanks
Thanks Jojo yep I do try the LAM as well. Now just now as we were walking the rive path she was doing just fine. Looking back but still walking...
Thanks Jojo. Perhaps I didn't make myself as plain as I should have done, My fault. I wouldn't mind if it was just her looking back at other dogs....
Its weird isn't it Charlie. Problem is the walk it tends to happen on is along the river at Warkworth which is narrow so can't really change...
Mm not sure if it an anxiety thing JoJo I think its down to the fact that every dog she sees she wants to play with. I am hoping she grows out of...
Yep think you may be right. Maybe I am asking too much of her at this time. She has come on so so well that I guess I sometimes forget just how...
Yep she will sit and stay until they go past but she won't keep walking until they do go past. Have even held a treat (her favourite yum yum...
Ok so 5 month old Tess is doing pretty well with her training. However something that is defeating me is that when we are out and about and she is...