Re: Dog Parks Off Lead areas - discrimination and anti-dog or adequate provision? Dear All, Thank you for your interesting responses. It seems...
Re: Your thoughts please :( Firstly, well done Helen for caring and wanting to help your friend make the right decision. I am afraid I have a...
Re: help.. broken toe Sorry to hear of your situation. Try using a Kong (or similar) stuffed with low fat cheese and a few pieces of her daily...
Dear All, This is a follow on from TigerMom's topic 'Dog Park help' and Lisa's comments of 16/4/14....... 'Well, I live in Canada, where dog...
Re: Dog Park help? Lisa, thank you for the insight into your dog parks and the availability of off leash exercise. As you say you have grown up...
Re: A worrying time...... Hi, I am sorry to hear that your Labrador has been so unwell. There is a possibility that her illness was a reaction...
Re: Dog Park help? I would like to add some comments related to your dog park article. Are you resident in the US? I know that there are many...
Re: Insurance - which company is best? Hi, Previously used Tesco - premium WAS reasonable (seem to have raised prices somewhat!!!) and they paid...
Hello from a newbie in Norfolk, UK There is so much conflicting information!!! I have researched many premium dry complete dog foods and the...