Yep she was wormed, had her shots and weighed yesterday and that is what the vet said too. She is a bit overweight but hopefully a growth spurt...
Yep, she is quite chubby! She loves her food but I don't feed her over much. Maybe because she was the last of a litter of 10 to go she was still...
Ok I have changed the privacy setting and I think her parents would be more show type than field type. I don't have photos of them, sorry. I...
As for her walks it is down to the workshop shed (50m) and down to collect the chicken eggs about 3 or 4 times a day (I run an egg laying...
Oh and as for her breeding her parents are pure. Mother has no papers and is golden and father has papers and is chocolate. I am in Australia so...
She is on Pedigree pal puppy dry food at the moment. We have only had her a week and the breeders have been feeding her on veg, rice and meat...
My 14 week old pup Cassie weighs a little over 16kg. As far as I have read this is excessive? I feed her puppy dry food and the occasional tin...