I completely know what you mean. Abby and my dog I had before her met at a lake, and their meeting went fine. No fence between them. She reacted...
Thank you very much for the reply. Do you think or suggest weekly outings like this, with taking things slower will benefit her? To me, she met...
Well today I'm not quite sure what happened. Let me explain, and then perhaps you all can put in your two cents on what you think. So Abby and...
Thank you all!! Comparing how she barks when in the car, to how she barks while on lead or in the house is different. While on lead, her bark is...
Abby will bark at people while in the house too. We have a nice large living room window that almost reaches the floor. We have to keep the blinds...
I will do as Snow suggests. Hopefully we will see some progress :) I see where you are coming from too T. Her bark and growl just sound so...
Okay. So. I have a couple videos. We parked down by the lake not far from our house, and the first one is of her barking at a biker across the...
Anything is worth a shot. I will try what you suggested :) I try to get Abby to stop barking by talking to her, but she just ignores me, and she...
I have not seen this! I will watch it today, thank you! :)
Yes, she's a Chihuahua/Shih Tzu mix. And just like Hatchet she wasn't a barker. Oddly enough. Abby made them find their voices :)
Lol yes I noticed that too, and thank you!! She definitely increases her intensity when I begin to walk toward whatever she's barking at. But I...
That is Hatchet. My German Shep/Pit mix. He actually learned to bark a lot from Abby. We used to call him the silent predator, as before we got...
Thank you everyone!! All your dogs are so beautiful!! I am hoping to learn as much as I can here, and share our adventures! :)
Then your boy must be very handsome!! ;) I actually really like the chocolate color. And her hair matches my couch! :cwl: I am feeling better...
Thank you :) I am glad its not aggression related. I don't mind alert barking, but hers can be excessive. From the door bell, to knocking, to...
Okay. So here is a video of her barking at the door bell. I missed my opportunity at 9am, so I had my daughter go and ring the bell later....
Thank you :) I have to say I think we got one special dog. I really would like to post a few videos of her in a few scenarios as I described...
Thank you guys. I will definitely look up a behaviorist. I get nervous with that, as you just never know who you're getting, but I'll do as much...
I feel you are right. I do think she spent most of her life alone, unsocialized. I think she might have had the run of a large yard, and that is...
Hello everyone! I am new here. In March our family adopted a 4 year old, 90 pound lab from a local humane society. We knew she had some issues...