I’m no expert but from my experience, most puppies seem to drink more, relative to their body weight. My dog was a water hog when she was little,...
Mila didn't sleep through the night until she was about 4 months old. In the first month that we had her, she woke us up every two hours. It was...
Mila was just weighed at the vet's yesterday and quite surprisingly, she has barely grown since last month. She weighs 15.6 kg at 32 weeks. Her...
Mila is 15.5 kg at 27 weeks. She’s just a little thing!
Thank you all very much for your answers. I’m definitely not concerned with how small she is. She’s perfect no matter what size. My worry was that...
I know this topic has been done over and over again but I just have to bring it up again. My puppy doesn’t seem to be growing very fast, at least...
Mila: Height: 33 cm at the withers Weight: 6.7 kg Age: 12 weeks Sex: Female Type: Pet bred
My puppy Mila is just shy of 12 weeks old and when she was weighed at the vet's the other day, she came in at 13.8 pounds (6.25 kg). When we...
Hello everyone. I just thought I'd introduce myself! I'm Brian and I have a 3-month little girl named Mila. Mila is not a purebred lab, but she's...