Hello, Kevin my 6yo black lab appears to be undergoing another moult (although at times it feels like he's permanently moulting!) & as I've been...
Thank you all for your advice so far - Kevin has now had his stitches out and doesn't need to go back to the vet unless I'm concerned, but we've...
Well, after I stopped panicking and thought logically about it he wasn't bothering the bandage at all it was just when he got up so gathered it...
I did wonder about infection but they'd put him on a course of precautionary penicillin when he first went in last week which he only finished...
Kevin sliced a pad on his left front paw last week while I was away (typical huh?) He was taken to the vets with a bloody paw, and stitched under...
Thanks all for the well wishes. He's keeping everything down thank heavens, Just waiting on him having a few formed BMs then in a few days...
The vet gave him an antiemetic injection, put him on a bland diet for a few days, and gave him a probiotic and some ranitidine to be on with as...
Thank you all for your comments. His gurgling seems to have settled but he's had a dodgy looking stool, didn't want to eat this morning & then...
Kevin was up in the early hours of Sunday morning having vomited some food and a bit of bile, he was giddy as a killer but straight out the door...
Hi, We're newbies here and wondered what you opted for in the end? I'm currently having the same quandary about harnesses for my boy Kevin......