Thank you all for the replies and this suggestion, Aitch, i think we'll try this option. It's been so incredibly frustrating. She's fine...
Morning everone, I'm worried about our 10month old labrador River. She's been recovering super well from surgery three weeks ago (she swallowed...
And looks like she did. So happy! :)
Sending you and tilly lots of well wishes and lots of hugs. Have to applaud you for making sure she threw up right away. Confident she'll make a...
That's a good idea. Thanks for the tip, Selina. I've just had a call from the vet half an hour ago that she's allowed to come home tonight. It's...
Well... I never thought I'd say experience this... but our 10 month old girl, River, is currently being looked after by our vet, after repeating...
Awww she's gorgeous, what an absolute beauty!
Same, River loves nothing more than a good sock, and a tea towel... Just to parade around the house mind you, no chewing so far.
Hey Britt, For what it's worth, I bought a few months back some bells you can hang on the back door. River, who's about the same age as your...
Hey guys, yesterday River and I went for our usual walk, little earlier than normal, so we could trot along the park and have a bit of play...
River's coming up to five months and hasn't barked yet either. Doesn't mean she's quiet though, if she doesn't agree with something she's happy to...
I'm not gonna lie, I feel very conflicted when taking our nearly 5month old pup out for walks. Do I let her off the lead or not. We have a nice...
That's a relief to hear. I keep having this horrible feeling that when we eventually move out, our landlord won't have a garden left. And I...
Thanks for the reply, Silver and Shaz. Just out of interest, are Maisy and Beau also working dogs? As you both say, it's a thing dogs like to...
Hey there lab family, Hope you are all very well and ready to celebrate Christmas. So River is our first lab, and she's absolutely stunning...
Oh my, I have to admit if that were to happen to River, I would also be very cautious in the future. I mean the moral of the story is to supervise...
Hey Jenem, I'm so sorry, but don't despair, I think we've all been there. Does he have a favourite toy that can occupy him while he's in his...
Think that's the way to go forward yes. I'll need to do some research whether we have any doggy day care facilities in the area. I feel terrible...
Hey guys, I've found this forum really helpful with our 16 week old lab pup River, so thank you all so much for the advice already. On Friday, I...
Hey everyone, gosh I'm so happy there's a thread like this. We've had River for a couple of weeks now and as many I more or less expected the...