Re: Mounting other dogs Thank you for your reply, I don't feel so bad now, I more or less handle it same as you Anne
Hi I have a six year old castrated male yellow lab, who for some reason this year as decided to try and mount other dogs, when we are out for a...
Re: Little problem He's not been scratching, chewing, he's wormed and as flea treatment up to date. I got his food sorted so he's been on same...
Re: Little problem He was a bit better last night wasn't as restless as he was but yesterday as you know lab mault a lot but he has like bald...
Re: Little problem I can't think of anything but mayb he heard and I didn't, mayb I might never get to bottom of it but the vet said if I am...
Re: Little problem I took Shane to the vets they gave him a good examination and there is nothing medically wrong. But what they did say leave...
Re: Little problem I have got him in the vets at two today just to be on safe side
Re: Little problem No the jrt they get on realy well he's eating going for walks and all is fine, he's a bit more clingy in day than normal. He...
my Lab name is Shane and his little bro who is a jtr is also 5. I have had lab before but Shane as allergies to certain food and ATM is acting...
Re: Hi Hi thank you for our warm welcome, my Lab name is Shane and his little bro who is a jtr is also 5. I have had lab before but Shane as...
Hi to all just joined I have a 5 yr old lab