Not sure why I’m updating this post but we’re so happy that our boy Gunner has been clean at night for 5 nights now! Pups are all different of...
Thanks for all your thoughts. Much appreciated. Lots of solutions to consider!
Hello, Could anyone recommend a good make of car harness? Gunner is 16 weeks now, so one that could grow with him perhaps. Or any tried and...
Sorry for the typos. Typing on the go!
Thank you for your reply. We’ve had w bit of s breakthrough with the boy. He’s going right through, he seems to have just grown out of it. Nearly...
Thank you. I didn’t think that he might just be about to grow out of it. That might be true. I think I might try letting him out at 3am...
Thank you. I was thinking that might be the next step. He’s so happy he’d just love the extra time with us, but no interaction might be the key.
Hello folks, Our gorgeous puppy, Gunner is 14 weeks today and he’s been home with us for 4 weeks exactly. He’s been a joy and a terror as every...
Thank you so much. Gunner is a boisterous joy. At 7 weeks on for you from lovely Sam, it's still so raw I know exactly. They really do leave such...
Hi there, thanks for your message I hope you and Bailey had a good Christmas. You're a few weeks ahead of us in puppy weeks, Gunner is 10 weeks....
Hello, thank you for your message. We've had a wonderful and exhausting Christmas. Gunner is just lovely. He's a typical lab puppy, he's trying to...
Gunner is home. Such a good boy, slept all the way round the M25! He found his confidence and had a wee in the garden straightaway. We've all...
So, We've had a change of plans and will be having a quiet Christmas, and we've bought forward picking up Gunner to tomorrow morning. This...
Hello, thank you and hi to Hattie and Charlie. They are family aren't they, so it takes time. He will always be such a part of our happy memories...
Hello, also sorry to hear about Drift There's no words to describe how you miss them so much is there? I love that sentiment- creating a new...
Hello, thank you so much and hello to Ariel. So true, massive hole. You're right, the memories are what keeps you smiling. I still open the fridge...
Hi there, and to Joy, 7months - still a handful! Sorry about dear Solstice (lovely name). Thank you for those words, that's how I'm hoping to feel.
Hello and thank you. Sorry about your dear Penny. Hello to Wispa and Tuppence! You're right, I appreciate your words, they have their own...
Hi there, thank you for your message and I'm sorry too that you lost your young one. Painful. They do leave lovely memories!
Thank you and hi Harley! Yes, we're going to call him Gunner (Boots). Harvey was Harvey Boots - so its a little nod to him too! but mostly...