First off I need to thank everyone who was so kind and patient with me as I was venting my heartbreak over considering rehoming our pup. I’m...
Thanks, it’s reassuring to know others have felt this dreadful at this stage and got through it. I have had several panic attacks (never, ever...
Thanks again so much to every single one of you, for your advice and support which I’ve read over many times. Just to update you - we have...
Thank you for your encouragement. I’ve started on click for quiet training today. I’m just not sure how it translates to him remaining quiet if...
I actually appreciate your comments and have read them over many times. The truth is, like your anger at your Mum’s decision, I don’t think...
Thank you for your reply. Thank you for posting - this resonates with me. When I’m training him is one of the few times I feel even vaguely...
I can’t thank you enough for your reply, and all the others too. Your reply struck a chord in me on something I hadn’t been able to put my finger...
He’s just 13 weeks old.
Thank you, it’s encouraging to hear from the point of view of the ‘new’ owner. My husband is certainly of the view that it all hinges on finding...
Thanks for the reply. We do feel judged because we’ve been honest about struggling with our friends and they’re sympathetic but truthful enough to...
Thank you so much. I will read the link and try the clicker training. He’s been bright as a button on training, I will see what we can do over the...
Thank you. We won’t make any decision until new year. Partly because 2 weeks is a long time in a pup’s life and if we see progress then we might...
Me too. I wish I could wake up tomorrow and feel differently. I don’t want to look back and regret making a decision when we’re so sleep deprived...
Thank you. We’ve bent all our original rules (not allowed on sofa, stays in pen whilst we eat etc) all out of the window so that pup can be around...
Thanks, it’s going to be a slow decision. Unfortunately the breeder wasn’t very helpful. They hadn’t bred before and it’s a long story but they...
I’m in a state of total heartbreak that we’re actually considering rehoming our puppy. I’m not eating or sleeping and just functioning is getting...