Roxy had a cracked tooth identified at her recent check up. I was recommended to go to a dental vet near Winchester. I went in at 10 and left her... Virtually no tummy tuck, no waist, it must be difficult...
That's great, thanks very much for answering. I've just ordered it.
Hi Cupcase, I'm looking for something like that for my lab. Can I ask what size you got and whether it works OK? Roxy's cut her back leg and her...
Sodium bicarb should just pass through the system quite quickly. If the gas was going to be a problem, it would have been due to excess gas at the...
Thanks, Pippa. Just as a postscript, we had the checkup with the vet today and he would be entirely happy for her to resume full activities...
Thanks, Pippa. She won't be going beating unless the vet thinks she can. In any case I would keep her on a lead so it would just be a glorified...
Thanks, Plum's mum. It seems from what you and others say, that whining is very common after GA. My wife has rung the vets and suggested they...
Hi Everyone, Roxy had a laparoscopic spaying yesterday which went well. However last night she whined for a long time. I also put the inflatable...
Just a PostScript, I did lead walk her for a week. She did get used to the extendable lead and it wasn't too much of a problem. It was quite a...
Thanks, Pippa. I did get a big padded collar but she could still easily get to her paw! In the end I spread Vick on her bandage which did deter...
Roxy cut her paw yesterday charging round a field which had some flints on it. I took her to the vests who have dressed the wound - it's not too...
Many thanks for all your replies. It does seem to be some problem with the licence for lungworm protection (i.e. what is included in Nexgard...
That's a work of art - I produce similar charts for my consultancy clients!
Roxy's been on Nexgard Spectra for the last 6 months. It's proved very effective against ticks and fleas (she's had none despite going through...
Thanks for those replies. I'll give the rawhide a miss for a week and see how we do. Do you give any other chew? Roxy may start on the furniture...
Our lab, Roxy, does a couple of poos a day. One is usually fine, but the other is frequently prolonged with 3 or 4 go's in different places. This...
Many thanks for all your replies :) According to the research cited by Mags, the 5 mins/month is just a guideline without much evidence behind it....
My working lab, Roxy, is 6.5 months old. I'm wondering how much exercise she should get. She has about 40 mins - 1 hour per day running/sniffing...