Hello,I have a nearly four year old Lab. who loves the beach and swimming in the sea.Although a good swimmer I do worry about the tides and...
Hello,I don"t know your name, thanks for your reply,and comments.Latte has been to training school since he was 9 weeks old,including 1 to 1.After...
Thanks "snowbunny".Latte has only recently gone off lead but his recall is not that great.I have to send my other Lab. Mocha after him to bring...
Hello,I have a three year old Choc. Lab called Latte. He weighs in at 35kg and I am cutting his intake where possible to get his weight down some....
Re: Dandruff or ??? Thanks Boogie ? Tatze looks awesome! Congrats. I will take your tip and get on the case. Have fun. Latte and ron
Hi,all, Latte my male choc.lab is now 7 months but still has flaky skin since very early days. It is like fine dandruff, and brushing doesn't help...
Re: Ding Ding...Round Two Hi,Naya, As you are on Bob and Lush, can you tell me if you have had any problems with bad breath. Latte is good with...
Re: Ding Ding...Round Two Thanks Naya, Penny and Me and Beanwood. Have got samples of Bob and Lush coming and a trial order from Burns. Latte so...
Hi,lovely people, My five month old, Latte, has just had her second round of D&V ,and the vet has come to the rescue with some meds. He has been...
Re: Colour change,?? sorry all, struggling to figure out how to upload any decent pictures. please click on my sons drop box account below....
Hi all, My choc. Lab, Latte was a beautiful brown colour when we collected him from the breeders. Slowly most of his body has changed colour to...
Re: What is this stuff? Thanks for all your feedback.. Much appreciated
Re: What is this stuff? Hear what you are all saying nice people, but Latte had this dandruffy stuff on him before I started brushing, so that...
Right guys, I'm getting the hang of this now! Last evening Latte came in from the garden on the recall whistle (yea) with a mouthful of potting...
Re: Water Training Hello lovely people, thanks for all your input, much appreciated. Put wellies on yesterday and back into the sea with a treat...
Re: Harness or collar? Hi Debs, I too am a learner (16 weeks).I had the same as you so went for a perfect fit harness from Dog-games-shop.co.uk....
Hi,lovely people. I have a question. My puppy Latte (16 weeks) seems to rebel against paddling in the sea at Steamer Point There are a couple of...
Re: Ticks and Fleas Thanks David.
Re: Ticks and Fleas Thanks Barbara.
Re: Ticks and Fleas Thanks Jac,will do !!