I can certainly relate to this!! Sweet moments sure do not last very long! But are so nice and enjoyable! I love all the kisses I get before the...
Hi Guys! I think I’m probably posting way too much. But I just found this forum and before just felt overwhelmed and questioning my decision in...
Honestly same here! I was overwhelmed and just stressed out and worried I had an aggressive puppy! This forum helped a TON! For my Molly switching...
Lol thank you! It’s so nice to read she is a normal puppy! I definitely did not expect any of this!! I think my patience has grown by a mile since...
Thank you! I just enrolled Molly in puppy kinder. Really hoping it will help!
This is very encouraging! Thank you!
Taking a treat out before we cross paths with said human is genius! I will start doing that. I usually get it out after the fact to encourage her...
Thank you!
Thank you! I’m actually glad to hear Molly is not the only one that does this! I’ve been trying to use treats to distract her as well and have her...
Hi All, I have another issue I’m hoping you all can help me with. Molly just got her last booster shot this past weekend and we are now able to...
“There is no point of teaching her when the devil sets in” that really made me laugh because it’s like they get possessed a few times a day lol....
So I was essentially having the same problem among others as you probably read. I started having my son walk the puppy and honestly it made a...
You are literally describing Molly! My friend who has a boxer makes me feel that something is wrong cuz she keeps saying it’s not normal. I am...
It’s really encouraging to hear that it’s normal! I will continues being sturn knowing she doesn’t actually want to attack me.
Thank you! That helps a lot! My arms look like I got into a fight with a cactus plant right now. I have been stopping playing as soon a she bites...
Thank you for encouragement. I’m honestly feeling so much better with everyone responses. Knowing there is an end in sight helps a lot.
I wonder if the extra biting behavior is because they are hunting dogs. English springers are such beautiful dogs!
Thank you! I really like Bailey as a name too! It’s really nice to hear other lab owners having the same issue/non-issue lol. This being my first...
Thank you for the encouragement! I think part of my frustration is coming from my friend who is a dog owner saying I need to get her to stop...
I figured the young age is contributing to the problem :(. I’m glad to hear that your Molly grew out of it and sure hope mine does too! I like the...