Just thought I'd come back and update! So after 2 weeks of being fairly well Nala started to look poorly again, off food etc. Had a snotty...
Good news! Nala has got up this morning full of life! I'm so happy! No bleeding overnight, she's begging for food, asking to go for a walk. I...
She just wants lots of cuddles now so we have set her up a bed in our room so she can be close
She got up a couple of hours ago when I went to put the bin out so I took her for a little walk up the street and she had a sniff, was up and...
Thank you for everyone's replies, I knew in my heart it wasn't normal. We took her to emergency vet last night after we tried to take her out for...
11 month old lab, first season. Started 4 weeks ago with a small amount of fairly watery blood, been a little off food, a bit quiet but ok in...