10 year old won’t sleep on her own

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by RebeccaS, Sep 17, 2020.

  1. RebeccaS

    RebeccaS Registered Users

    Jul 9, 2020

    I’m after some advice on helping reintroduce our dog, Kate, to sleeping downstairs alone. She is 10. She has never slept in our room until very sadly we had to have our other dog put to sleep at the end of May. She was fine downstairs for about a week after then one night she had a complete meltdown and by the time we heard her she had pulled off half the doorframe downstairs trying to get to us. This was totally out of character and we realised it was a cry for help definitely not naughtiness, so from then on we let her sleep upstairs on our bedroom floor. She has always been quite a worried dog and lacking in confidence and I don’t think we realised how much she relied on our other dog for support & comfort.

    I’d love to get her happily sleeping downstairs again. We are getting a new puppy in a few weeks and if possible I’d like her to be downstairs again with him but I want her to be ok with it. Does anyone have any advice to help me settle her back down in our kitchen?


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