7 month old lab barking

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Shilyer, Sep 29, 2020.

  1. Shilyer

    Shilyer Registered Users

    May 27, 2020
    We have a love 7.5 month old black lab. She’s really challenging at the moment and I need some help and advice.

    Last week she started barking in the night - she’s never done this before. She was ill and we had to let her out every 2 hours to go to the toilet poor thing. Now she is better but has started barking early (6am ish) she never did this before. I don’t want to leave her as it’s very loud and wakes us all up but don’t want to wake the neighbours at that time either! Any tips on what we could try?

    She didn’t bark much until about a month ago and now she barks really loudly at home - a lot. In the garden, when we leave the room, when we are in the room for attention.

    She’s also still jumping up at people when they come to the house and gets really over excited. We spent a a long time training her not to jump on the sofas now she’s started doing that again and has started to get a bit snarly.

    We’re also really struggling with her lead waking now and she pulls even though we’ve spent months training. She’s now getting really strong so going for a walk can be very tiring for us!

    She has a 45 min ish walk in the morning- with some time off lead in park and then a shorter 20 min walk in the evening. I’m wondering if she needs more exercise? We have kids so she runs with them in the garden too although less now they are back at school.

    It’s getting exhausting! Please tell me it will improve as she gets older and maybe some is this could be related to her age??

    Simbabear likes this.
  2. Julie Deeley

    Julie Deeley Registered Users

    Dec 27, 2019
    That's enough exercise. Definitely age related. Lots of threads on exactly this age and these topics. The good news is they do indeed calm as they get older but look at the other threads for how to handle each problem. We have all gone through that stage! :)

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