9 month old Working Black Lab - Questions on health and height

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Abhi, Nov 30, 2022.

  1. Abhi

    Abhi Registered Users

    Nov 30, 2022
    Hey everyone!

    Great to be part of this forum. I've got a 9.5 month old American Black Lab that I purchased from a breeder of merit in Washington. The sire is 26inches tall and the dam is about 21 and both weight about 70-80lbs.

    My boy Marshall is currently only about 19inches in height and he's already sort of stopped growing. Not sure if there is something wrong with my feeding etc because he's a fit 70lbs. Wanted to know if anyone else here has a working dog that got taller after 10 months old

  2. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi Abhi, welcome to the forum :)

    I don't think Labs tend to gain a lot in height after 10 months old. Maybe a little bit, but I think they mostly 'fill out' with more muscle rather than grow taller. Variation in height is natural, so it could just be that Marshall is a smaller individual. The only other thing which popped into my head was skeletal dysplasia 2, a mild form of dwarfism in some working Lab lines. It's a recessive condition, so his parents could have been carrying the faulty gene without expressing it. You can read more about it here, and obviously please don't place too much significance on me suggesting it based on what little I've read above - you would need a DNA test to diagnose it properly. Finally, whenever anyone is worried about a puppy's growth, we would always recommend getting them check by a veterinarian, just to be safe :)

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