A perfect day with my two lovely boys :)

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Looby Lou, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. Looby Lou

    Looby Lou Registered Users

    Jul 30, 2014
    After a stressful walk to the field yesterday (off lead was fine, on lead a nightmare) today restored my faith completely. It started when I came down at 7.15 to two very sleepy affectionate pups who just wanted to cuddle ;D they then had breakfast and a snooze on sofa with me. Next came 'playing out' time, chasing round the garden, digging up the lawn, ripping up turf - all very tiring activities for a pup lol. We were busy cleaning in the kitchen and as they were v muddy we brought a bed into the kitchen where they crashed asleep.

    Then I decided to take them separately for a short lead walk, before dinner so they were interested in the treats to keep them walking close. Barney went first and tho he wanted to pull, I held the lead loose in my hand and kept him interested in the treats, so he never knew if he would get one so kept his ear open ready for me saying 'here'. A quick sniff round the green at the end if the street and back home - perfect!! Next it was Jack's turn, he was a bit unsure without Barney, but again the lead was loose in my hand 90% of the time! A sniff at the green and home again. I was so proud of them both, and myself as I haven't walked them alone, and they are v strong now.

    This is a pic of them in their new collars looking v grown up.


    They had dinner then slept all afternoon in the living room with us while we watched a film. When they woke up we did some training, we have been working on 'down' and they are both great at doing it now, so today I did it just with a hand signal and not speaking any instruction and they both cracked that too! They know they have to sit, wait and then down.

    My 85 year old MIL came for tea, and they had 20 mins in the living room with her, cuddling her on the sofa and being so gentle.

    All in all a perfect day, they are both now sound asleep by my feet.

    I know everyday won't be like this, but it's been the best day of my half-term holiday :D

    Lou x
  2. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: A perfect day with my two lovely boys :)

    Well done to all 3 of you :)
    They do like to test us, then will do something which makes up proud of them ;)
  3. Rolokris

    Rolokris Registered Users

    Oct 14, 2014
    Re: A perfect day with my two lovely boys :)

    Some days everything just slots into place and it's pure bliss. Hope the feeling continues. Adorable picture ;D
  4. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: A perfect day with my two lovely boys :)

    Ah sounds like you had a lovely day...they are both very handsome x
  5. Joy

    Joy Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2014
    Re: A perfect day with my two lovely boys :)

    What a lovely day. They look so grown-up - where has the time gone?!
  6. Beanwood

    Beanwood Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2014
    Re: A perfect day with my two lovely boys :)

    Just love those days! Taking our 2 out on long walks always puts the world to rights for me :) :)
  7. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: A perfect day with my two lovely boys :)

    That sounds great! And they both look very handsome.
  8. lorilou61

    lorilou61 Registered Users

    May 13, 2014
    Indiana USA
    Re: A perfect day with my two lovely boys :)

    Sounds like a perfect day!
  9. Looby Lou

    Looby Lou Registered Users

    Jul 30, 2014
    Re: A perfect day with my two lovely boys :)

    Thanks everyone, I think they're v handsome too :)

    And I can't believe how quick it's gone or how much they've grown. 17 weeks ago tonight we fell in love with them and 16 weeks ago we brought them home, just 3kg each and they're now 21kg!

    Lou x

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