A sort of success...

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Beanwood, Aug 22, 2017.

  1. Beanwood

    Beanwood Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2014
    As some of you know, Casper is reactive. Not that I want to label him...and I guess compared to what he was like there is a vast improvement. I don't know though, is it a bit like being an addict of some sort? You kinda always see yourself as an addict even if you haven't had a fix? Well Casper hasn't had a "fix" for a while...

    So to set the scene, off on our very quiet and early morning walk. There is a section where I let Casper off lead for a bit. The area is a combination of woodland and meadow, bit of everything wrapped up nicely, just enough for an hours walk.

    We are heading back towards a bit of woodland, I have Caspers long lead in my hand ready to clip on...then I hear a commotion in the wood..I glance down at Bramble thinking...Oh..(sausage!) And she is gone..her teeny brain full of anticipation for the monster pheasant that must be cavorting in the undergrowth.(.sausage!..replacing another word beginning with F....) Casper also takes off....well that was to be expected....but then oh...double sausage..not a pheasant.. but a very hot and bothered jogger fights he way through the undergrowth. He stares at the oncoming excited black labs, and just skips to the side as they run past....run past????. He then smiled politely ..and continues on his morning jog.

    OK. I am now sans 2 dogs, Benson bless his chocolate socks is still with me...big goofy grin on his face. I am muttering under my breath somewhat at this point. Bramble comes back more or less instantly, big jogger not pheasant = boring! I hear Casper crashing through the undergrowth a minute later (why not use the path? He hates going off piste?? )

    I have come to the conclusion that I whenever I "get" Casper, he does stuff that just leaves me mystified all over again. Joggers, especially "weird man without dog" must be at the dog of his reactive hit list. OK not so hot that he ran off in the first place...but I will take it thank you! He didn't bark, lunge or anything...wow! Just a quick glance of appreciation as the thoughtful jogger stepped out of his way...there again he probably felt that was a better option to being mown down by 2 large black labs pelting towards him! :)

    OK Bramble, must try harder! :)
    Kelsey&Axel, BevE and edzbird like this.

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