Accidents in other rooms at 5 months

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by AnythingButIdle, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. AnythingButIdle

    AnythingButIdle Registered Users

    Feb 11, 2014
    Hi all,

    Hoping for a little advice or reassurance that our little problem is normal. Our puppy, Bentley is 5 months old now and he is so sweet and wonderful. We haven't had any major issues at all yet, he is nipping less and less, he loves his walks and did exceptionally well at his first puppy obedience classes. He is calm and sweet and other than loving to chew anything and everything, he's been absolutely wonderful to have in our family. Anyway, since he arrived, as per advice we received, we limited his freedom of the whole house to our kitchen (his long term confinement area) and our lower main level when supervised. We spend most of our time on the main level and only evenings upstairs for sleep.

    When we do go upstairs, with the exception of on beds, he will pee or occasionally poop when he needs to without his typical warning signs. I figure it's because he doesn't see it as his "den" since he doesn't spend much time up there other than sleeping with us.
    Is it still normal to have accidents at 5 months? He doesn't when he is in his familiar areas. Is it normal that he would have accidents up there since he doesn't spend much time there? It's harder to clean with it being carpeted upstairs. Any advice on how to help him avoiding making messes?

    Thanks so much,
  2. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Accidents in other rooms at 5 months

    Hi Nicole, it is pretty normal, yes. :) I introduce new rooms just as if you were starting housetraining over again, i.e., for just 10 minutes or so, after the puppy has done a wee outside. And watch like a hawk to start with. Once he has spent several short sessions in a carpeted room, you can start extending times.

    Some pups don't need this kind of detail progression, but many do.
  3. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: Accidents in other rooms at 5 months

    We didn't progress to the (carpeted) lounge until 7 months :)
  4. Indy

    Indy Registered Users

    Jan 2, 2014
    Re: Accidents in other rooms at 5 months

    Indie is now also 5 months (the time flies) and we have had a few mishaps, but overall she has been very good.
    Is it just a matter of routine, after food, play, sleep and training, she is encouraged outside to perform.
    One thing we have noticed that she has been reluctant to wee when out on a walk, but has done a wee when arrived back in the house? (she has only done this once, because we have learned as well ;))
    She has been allowed in the lounge, only after a visit outside and definately not on her own.

    I would do the same with Bentley and he will be fine.
  5. AnythingButIdle

    AnythingButIdle Registered Users

    Feb 11, 2014
    Re: Accidents in other rooms at 5 months

    Thanks all! I will be more aware of bathroom visits before allowing him on carpeted areas. He has been amazing with very few accidents downstairs and not terrible upstairs, but definitely notable. I'm glad this is fairly normal! He's a very smart boy, I know we will figure it out!


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