advice appreciated!

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by strawberry1pink, Feb 8, 2013.

  1. strawberry1pink

    strawberry1pink Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2012
    Hi guys, I have a problem and wondered if anyone could give me some advice.
    I own two labs, one 2 year old and one 11 1/2 year old. The 11 1/2 year old has lived with my mum for 9 years now (since I started work), but since I had my baby and work part time I got another lab just over a year ago (my mum was so attached to Max it would have been unfair to ask for him back!) However, she lives about 40 mins away and I go round twice a week.
    she was diagnosed with dementia a year ago and it has got steadily worse. She is now very forgetful. Unfortunately Max is now on 3 different medications, for arthritis, stomach problems and his liver. My mum forgets to give him his medication all the time. For the last 3 days he has been crippled with arthritis and has not been getting his meds. Unfortunately (and its part of mums condition), she thinks she has given him it and gets angry if I suggest otherwise.
    She relies on Max as part of her daily routine, she loves him like a son. I have tried the weekly pill boxes, I have tried writing the drugs down to be ticked of daily, and even leaving the pills at her bedside and she just forgets.
    I now have a huge dilemma, I have offered her to 'swap' dog but she got upset as wants to keep Max. She is absolutely lost without him. Just dont know what to do. Max is suffering due to not getting his meds. I cant make it round every day as along with work I also have a 3 year old who I need to take to and pick up from nursery and dont have a car.

    I hate seeing my old boy Max suffering, I hate seeing my amazing mum deteriorating before my eyes :-[
    Anyone else had to deal with this? Anyone have any advice on how to deal with it?

  2. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: advice appreciated!

    What a difficult and heartbreaking situation for you, I feel for you.

    I don't have any suggestions but a couple of thoughts....does your mother have any other carers who might help? You can get automatic feeding bowls like this one that might help if Max can be relied on to eat them:

    Also does the vet have any suggestions? Perhaps an alternative treatment that can be administered less frequently.

    Wishing you, your mum and max all the very best :)
  3. Sersi

    Sersi Registered Users

    Sep 19, 2012
    Re: advice appreciated!

    I was also thinking of the automatic feeding bowls that we use for our cat if we go away for the weekend. Pills inside a small bit of sausage or whatever. You can get them for up to 7 days I think so you could restock when you get over there.
    Afraid I have no experience or any other suggestions, but what a distressing situation to find yourself in. It must be very hard, I too feel for you.
  4. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: advice appreciated!

    So sorry that you are having this problem, it must be so hard for you . My Mum who died two years ago, suffered from vascular dementia for her last few years , the trouble being that in the earlier stages , sufferers simply dont realise or accept that they are any different and still think that they can cope with all situations , I can relate to the anger too, my mum would get really cross if we questioned any of her actions . I was also thinking down the lines of carers and if they would be prepared to help out ?
  5. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: advice appreciated!

    I know patients with dementia are recommended automatic pill dispensers. Similar lines to the automatic feeders. Still relies on your mum responding to the prompt - might be better with the automatic feeder (for a lab!)
    Just another option though...
    Wish we could be of more help.

  6. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: advice appreciated!

    I don't have anything to add but just wanted to say how sorry I am for you finding yourself in this heart breaking situation. I am sure you will find someone/something to help you. Really wish I could be of some help. Sending you lots of best wishes Helen xxx
  7. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: advice appreciated!

    Also wanted to say how sorry I am, this must be terrible for you. The only thing I can suggest is to speak to the vet, maybe there is some medication that would not need to be taken daily.

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