And the Terrible Twos have begun...

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by alschwahn, Oct 17, 2017.

  1. alschwahn

    alschwahn Registered Users

    Jun 26, 2017
    AHH! Aspen has peed inside twice today with no warning. While he would normally go to the door to let us know he has to go he has released violent streams of piddle onto our carpets. My boyfriend keeps asking me "Is this is OUR Aspen?!" :D Aspen has also began to become EXTRA naughty, grabbing and running away with things he normally wasn't interested in before. Today we went on a 45 minute walk and I think he really enjoyed that. He also got some off-leash time and recall hasn't left us...YET. Fingers crossed I keep my sanity these next couple months!

    Any tips would be appreciated!
  2. Jes72

    Jes72 Registered Users

    Jul 5, 2014
    We started agility training to keep him mentally stimulated which helped. You could join a training class or just do some brain games of your own and step up his recall training. Homer loved pinching my underwear as I was getting dressed in the morning and running around the house with it! He'll still occasionally find something upstarts and bring it down to my when he wants attention but this doesn't happen often now.

    Maybe take him out at more regular times even if he hasn't asked to go. It may also be possible he has a Urinary infection.
  3. Me and my dog

    Me and my dog Registered Users

    Oct 25, 2014
    New Zealand
    Man I had a similar thought today...about my nearly 6mth old..hope I can endure the following months. It could have just been how I was feeling (not in regarding Pearl) but anyway thats how i felt...So no tips but glad you posted this...I really like how we have the similar aged pups...I feel kind of connected:) I'm sure a novice at it's like following a new path...
    SwampDonkey likes this.
  4. Me and my dog

    Me and my dog Registered Users

    Oct 25, 2014
    New Zealand
    Is Aspen still mouthy/lightly biting? Pearl's also just recently started pulling her blankets out of her sleeping place..
  5. Aitch

    Aitch Registered Users

    Sep 30, 2017
    They are trying when they are young aren't they? It does get better though.
    Aspen is just looking for attention, much as a child would. she really isn't doing it to annoy or upset you. She is an intelligent little being and craves stimulation. Step up her training and one on one play with you and your partner. Occupy her time. Stuffed Kongs used strategically help a lot too.
    Good luck. :)
    alschwahn likes this.
  6. Beanwood

    Beanwood Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2014
    If it was just a "one off" wee incident I wouldn't be too concerned, if more that one I would be thinking either some emotional disturbance had triggered a change in behaviour, or maybe a UTI.

    Great news though despite having some ups and downs at reaching two, you still have some semblance of a recall! With Benson that just disappeared, completely!

    What we did at round about the same age, which really helped, was investigate other local training classes, we took up agility, and booked in a course of adolescent classes. The objective was to help with focus, manage distractions and just brush off those early trained skills such as lead walking, meet and greet other dogs plus looks at some new challenges.
    alschwahn likes this.
  7. 20180815

    20180815 Guest

    The 6-12 month mark was pretty trying with my lab, I have to say :rolleyes: How old is Aspen? 6 months-ish?
  8. alschwahn

    alschwahn Registered Users

    Jun 26, 2017
    @Jes72 I will start taking him out more then! And keep an eye out for a UTI! We have been looking into training classes so maybe it's time to start those.
  9. alschwahn

    alschwahn Registered Users

    Jun 26, 2017
    @Me and my dog Yes I am glad we are not alone in this! I'm sure you are doing great. And yes, Aspen is still very bitey even though he has lost his baby teeth. He's definitely a puppy!
  10. alschwahn

    alschwahn Registered Users

    Jun 26, 2017
    @SilverFalcon Thats what I've been gearing! Aspen is 9 days away from turning 6 months. He just seems to be getting MORE hyper and mischievous! Obviously I know it isn't because he's trying to be naughty. I'm trying to think up ways to make sure he feels like his day wasn't boring. I'm a full time student so I have to balance school, schoolwork, work, Aspen, and life! I don't want Aspen to feel left out so we try to make sure we have "Aspen Time" everyday but I feel like I am not doing enough.
  11. Aitch

    Aitch Registered Users

    Sep 30, 2017
    Ooops, sorry! Aspen is a boy not a girl. :confused:
  12. alschwahn

    alschwahn Registered Users

    Jun 26, 2017
    Hehe, that's okay! @Aitch, people tell him he's a beautiful girl all the time :D I have definitely been trying to up my training and have been looking into mentally stimulating toys. We'll see if any of that helps!

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