My poor babe! She’s a one year old yellow lab and has this on her chin it breaks open on occasion. I have been cleaning it and washing it we noticed it the other day and I’m wondering if I should take her in. No idea what it is. Anyone have aomething similar with their pup!?
Welcome to the forum If you’re talking about a lump or a spot that won’t heal up then the thing to do is take your dog to the vet as soon as you can make an appointment. Most lumps are harmless but the harmless ones can look the same as the bad ones. It can be impossible to diagnose them without a careful examination done by a Vet.
Hi and welcome. I agree with the above advice - take your dog to the vet, it's likely nothing but any lump or bump should be checked out.
Sounds like it *could* be puppy acne, but best to get a vet’s opinion if you’re unsure what it is and worried about it. For now I wouldn’t mess with it until you’ve heard from your vet.