Anyone know much about Springers??

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by ClareJ, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. ClareJ

    ClareJ Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    I'm on the lookout for someone much smarter than me who can help in relation to a Springer Spaniel issue... My sister-in-law came to me for bright ideas, but I'm fresh out. :(

    She has recently taken on an 8 month old Springer bitch, who had spent all her life up until then in a breed rescue with 31 other Springers. She adores living with a family and has been very quick to learn, but has needed lots of leash training as she has been very reactive to other dogs. Up to now, she has been walking Panda separately from her other dog (also a rescue, very chilled in nature, some terrier going on in there, possibly also some bathrug!!! ;) ) This has been going fine and allowing her to really work with Panda, until this week - now, when she then attempts to take the second dog out for his morning walk - Panda has taken to howling the house down. It's not separation anxiety as such, as Panda doesn't mind being left when she goes to work. Nor is she on her own at that time of the day - husband and kids still in house! She just doesn't want to miss out on a walk. Right now, Panda thinks howling is doing the trick, as if she keeps it up for long enough, my sister-in-law and the other dog come back! Kongs / chew treats having no impact so far.

    I know many of you have lots of experience with varying breeds and with settling rescues, so if anyone has any suggestions on how to tackle this one.... Thanks,
  2. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Anyone know much about Springers??

    I`ve had several rescue dogs, currently have Millie, a terrier type of unknown age, she has been with us and Lab Sam for four months now .
    My experience has shown that some rescue dogs bond very quickly and " need " to be included in every activity, which of course they dont ::)
    I take Sam out on his own every so often and according to my husband , Millie will whine and cry, sit by the front door looking pathetic, but not for that long , she will then accept that this is something that happens and go to her bed to wait for our return . I do think your sister in law has to ride the storm, ignore the howls and cries , go out of the house in a very matter of fact way, no fuss no goodbye , just go and no great fuss when she gets back either . It is hard because our instinct tells us to feel sorry for them, these rescue dogs who have had a hard time but the harsh reality is that they arent having a hard time right now, so too much sympathy can be a bad thing at times :) So, in this case, advise your sister in law to ignore the noise , just go , the dog will get used to it honestly xx
  3. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Anyone know much about Springers??

    I'm with Kate, we have 2 dogs Hattie and Charlie is our rescue boyand is almost 3 he's a Labrador x Pointer. I take Hattie out on her own every day and jCharlie now just accepts it, he did make a fuss at first but he doesn't any more and he is always in his bed asleep when we return and I do not fuss over him before I leave or when I get back. No issues. Advise your friend to stick with it they get the message. :) x
  4. ClareJ

    ClareJ Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Re: Anyone know much about Springers??

    Thank you very much indeed - yes, I think you're right! Pip (the rescue who was there first) loves getting his walk and his little bit of time on his own, and as Panda is still too reactive to make it feasible to walk them together... she needs to learn to settle down and cope with it! Living in a house with 4 people who love her is a great deal compared to where she came from...

    Kate, I was browsing through threads last night and came across your pictures of Millie. She looks like such a fabulous little character!

    Thanks again,

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