Peanut is now nearly six months old and is wonderful. New issue with her is waking early six am and barking in her crate. She has just recovered from severe gastroenteritis, and while she was poorly we got up as soon as she woke in case she needed to poo Tec. Now she is waking early and non stop barking. Should we ignore her or go and let her out. We used to get up at six thirty and out to meet friends at seven.Any help greatly appreciated.ruth and Peanut.
it's safest to let her out, especially as it's 'only' half an hour before you would normally get up. If she's had a gastro bug and you've been having to let her out more frequently, her body clock has probably not adjusted. If you need a bit more time in the mornings it might be worth just letting her out with the minimum of attention and then putting her back in her crate for a bit longer. It won't stop her waking you up initially, but it might just help her to adjust to sleeping a bit longer - and give her the message that it's not breakfast time yet!