Bedtime routine

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by jools, Aug 11, 2015.

  1. jools

    jools Registered Users

    Jul 29, 2015

    Eric tends to go to sleep about 8pm -8.30pm. we left him once to sleep, getting him up at 4am to wee. He then went back to sleep but was ready to be up for the day at 5am.

    We have since been waking him about 9pm to do some quiet play till 10pm when we toilet him and then he goes to bed. We still get him up at 4am and he wee's and poo's then back to bed till 6am.

    Is this OK that we are disturbing his sleep? I do feel bad sometimes that he really doesn't want to wake up. And it may well have backfired on us last night.
    We woke him to do some gentle play but he cried and howled when we put him in his crate at 10pm. He then woke at 11pm and 1pm :(

    He is in his crate now, snoring like a trooper and has been there since 12.15..... he rarely sleeps longer than an hour during the day. he must be exhausted!

    I don't know what to do for the best.... leave him to his early sleep on a night or wake him.

    Also... do you think it matters where he sleeps during the day when we are here. I've been trying to encourage the crate but he much prefers the kitchen floor!
  2. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    How old is Eric? If he isn't keen to wake during the night it's possible he doesn't need to wee. what activities do you do with him during the day and for how long? Juno has always had a play with me on the floor after dinner where we play for around 30 mins or so. Duration varies according to how keen she is to play. this play is around 7:30, but she then settles down in her cosy bed in the living room and goes out for a wee at bedtime around 11:00.

    I've always allowed Juno to curl up where she wanted. if I'm in the living room she sleeps in her bed there, if in the kitchen she used to curl up in her crate or in the cats' bed or on the floor by my feet. I wouldn't worry about the crate if he is happy to go in at other times with no problems.
  3. jools

    jools Registered Users

    Jul 29, 2015
    He is 11 weeks old.

    His normal day is toilet at 6.30 followed by 30 mins quiet play until breakfast at 7am
    30 mins play/clicker training then 30 mins play on his own
    Sleep around 8am for 30 -60 mins
    30 mins garden play then maybe another nap or more play
    Lunch at 11
    Play/clicker training
    Sleep 12 ish .... usually 30 mins till an hour (today its been nearly 2 1/2 hrs
    Tea at 3pm
    play/trining till 4.30 ish when he goes to sleep for an hour
    awake again... play/training
    Supper 7pm
    witching hour till 8pm :)
    than sleep

    sorry for the full run down :D
  4. Jane Martin

    Jane Martin Registered Users

    Apr 16, 2014
    Hi Jools! Eric will sleep and play and sleep and play all day and that's ok. Some people do wake their pups up in the night as you are doing and it works for them. I did it differently and that worked for us. Chepi would have her fourth meal at 10 pm and have a play, go to the loo etc and bed time was when I thought she was tired, between 11 and 12. Once in bed she would stay there until about 5.30 and then I would get her up and let her out, breakfast at 6am and we would both snooze for an hour.
    I gradually eased out the get up time to about 6.15 which suited me for the 3 days I work and once that was sorted I gradually made 11pm the official bedtime.
    Having a snack at 10 pm meant her tummy was full and she didn't wake with hunger. I always (and still do) leave water in her crate at night too.
    Maybe you could start getting up slightly later, by about 15 mins each night until you get to the time you want.
  5. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    I think I would leave him later during the night. if he's been asleep the last few nights when you've taken him out I would set the alarm for later. I would add 30 mins to the alarm time and then check if he is awake. If he is still asleep I would leave him. He will be getting close to being able to go through the night and he is unlikely to wee in his crate without making a fuss.
  6. jools

    jools Registered Users

    Jul 29, 2015
    Thank you all :)

    I feel drained.... so many questions! haha

    Another new one for us today.... He threw up his 3pm feed and then ate it :eek:
    He did bolt it down though. Seems Ok apart from that although a little bit more sleepy than normal.

    Vaccinations tomorrow so will check with vet if he does it again x
  7. Jane Martin

    Jane Martin Registered Users

    Apr 16, 2014
    Handy to be seeing the vet tomorrow! Bolting food could well be the reason it was brought up again, just observe this evening as thè vet will ask if anything else happened. I am just the same, you watch and worry! Jump on here anytime to ask advice as there's membership across lots of time zones!
  8. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Don't worry about your dog throwing up and eating it again - it usually just means he didn't chew properly and needs to give it a second go. It's more regurgitation than vomiting through sickness - although it still seems pretty gross to us!
  9. jools

    jools Registered Users

    Jul 29, 2015
    he had his 7pm meal last night and his breakfast this morning with no vomiting.
    I did reduce his food slightly holding back some for training treats to eeek his food out a bit and stop him gobbling it all up at once :)

    He also settled a bit better in his crate last night.
    he was in his Crate for 10.30pm shattered, and we decided not to set the alarm but to see how he went. He woke at 3am for a wee and a poo so earlier than normal, then at 5.30 but he did settle again till we got up at 7pm
  10. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    He's doing well, and getting isn't so hard when they settle again with out any fuss. Not long before he will be sleeping through but you know that he will let you know when he wakes and needs a wee :):)
  11. nrbolton

    nrbolton Registered Users

    Aug 3, 2015
    Tipton, West Midlands, UK
    Bailey goes to bed at 11pm, after sometimes sleeping for a couple of hours in the lounge before then. At the start, I got up at 3am to toilet him and added 15 minutes to this time every night. For the last week, he goes to bed at 11pm and I get up at 6.30am. He's never cried and has sometimes got out of his crate reluctantly, as if to say: "Do I really have to go outside?" So, I'm sure he could last longer.

    The bolting food down problem has been solved with a Kong Wobbler. Bailey loves it. It stretches out his meal time to at least 15 minutes.
  12. jools

    jools Registered Users

    Jul 29, 2015
    Thank you :)

    Last night Eric fell asleep at 9.30pm. He was snoring when we went to bed at 10.30pm
    I heard him rustle at 4ish but he didn't cry so I left him and he woke at 5.15am.
    he bolted out the door to his business then back to bed till 7.15am
    The best night I think we've had
  13. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Well done Eric, and such a good boy for settling down again for another couple of hours :D:D
  14. murphthesmurf

    murphthesmurf Registered Users

    Jun 28, 2015
    Great stuff Eric!
  15. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    I never had any problems with my night time routine as my other dogs helped with that but I had loads of problems with Rory and food. In the end I just scatter fed him its slowed down his intake and he's never sick now and it cut down on the general food time crazyness. he would try to eat the bowl growl rush his food and behave so strangley I just cut out the stress of a food bowl all together. It caused a problem so I stopped using it
    He was in pain from colitis and hungry all the time and this was causing so many behavioural problems along with his steriods and other medication. It was a horrible time but he's better now and i have been to reintroduce his bowl and its all fine no stress at all and he behaves beautifully and calmly. The scatter feeding helped loads and he enjoyed looking for his lunch, if your pups rushing his food it really helps. I have a little bit of fleece that I put down so it less messy

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