So I've set up Bella cam to check in on her when I'm at work ;D addictive!!! ( also expensive streaming on my phone!!)! She likes a few power naps but doesn't sleep as much as I thought puppies would... She has half of the kitchen and a crate that's left open and lots of toys. Today she went to sleep in her crate as I left, playing happily with her kong, then later she had a little wander and played with some toys, a few more naps, both inside and outside of her crate on the wooden floor. She had a little whine and a few barks this afternoon for about 5 minutes then had another nap. Puppy sitter comes in twice a day so she isn't left for more than 3 hours . All in all a good day! You can tell how much work I got done today This shot is the best.... She's working out her plan to break out and get to the kitchen cupboards
Re: Bella Cam!!! {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 .HelveticaNeueInterface-M3;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red61\green70\blue77;\red255\green255\blue255;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\sl460\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2}
Re: Bella Cam!!! This is great! I can't wait to get our dog-cam then I can identify the door frame nibbler lol. I think I would also spend ages wAtching their antics and make sure they're ok. They have the whole kitchen so we have to clear all the worktops and our windowsill ends up piled high. They have pretty much stopped the bit of chewing of the door frame since I started leaving bigger frozen Kongs with puréed carrots in or mashed banana and peanut butter, and nylabones dipped in low fat Mayo and frozen x
Re: Bella Cam!!! I have a webcam app too I'm always checking on Harley and showing the kids I work with and my colleagues ;D I've noticed Harley has her Kong/chew, looters for a few mins then gets on my seat on the sofa and sleeps until the dog walker comes or I get home - she is 19 months now - maybe calming down a bit!!!!
Re: Bella Cam!!! Ooooo nylabones not tried those yet!! People at work think I've officially gone mad...!!!! : I love checking in and pleased she's able to stretch her legs if she needs too. ;D
Re: Bella Cam!!! I love that last photo. I actualy started hearing the Mission Impossible theme tune when I was looking at it.
Re: Bella Cam!!! I have cameras to check up on ours, too. J often shows them off when he stops for breaks with his clients. I have to try to remember this when I'm working at home, just so I don't do anything embarrassing, or walk around naked after a shower Bella is beautiful. She looks a lot like my Shadow.
Re: Bella Cam!!! [quote author=snowbunny link=topic=10089.msg147610#msg147610 date=1425567604] I have cameras to check up on ours, too. J often shows them off when he stops for breaks with his clients. I have to try to remember this when I'm working at home, just so I don't do anything embarrassing, or walk around naked after a shower [/quote] Help!! :-X ??? ;D
Re: Bella Cam!!! [quote author=snowbunny link=topic=10089.msg147610#msg147610 date=1425567604] just so I don't do anything embarrassing, or walk around naked after a shower [/quote] Make sure your security on the webcam is tight...they are a doddle to crack...or buy a dressing gown. ;D
Re: Bella Cam!!! [quote author=Leanangle link=topic=10089.msg147607#msg147607 date=1425566948] I love that last photo. I actualy started hearing the Mission Impossible theme tune when I was looking at it. [/quote] He he I know little Tinker ;D