Bike Trailer Question

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by ladyrattlesUK, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. ladyrattlesUK

    ladyrattlesUK Registered Users

    May 29, 2014
    My husband started getting fit again a few months ago and now runs a 10k most mornings. I'm not fit at all and I'm very overweight. As my lovely pup Ash is only four months old it's going to be a long time till I can do long enough walks to help with my fitness so I need to do something else for now. My mum is currently having heart surgery for a heridatory condition so it's a wake up call for me to lose my weight again. Four years ago I lost 5 stone (before putting it back on) so I know I can do it. I saw someone cycling alongside a jogger the other day on our dog walk and thought it would be great if I could cycle alongside my husband whilst he runs. We were trying to work out if we could trust our 15 year old to be in charge of the other children and the puppy and how we'd manage around school & work hours when I had this great idea to take Ash with us. I was amazed to find dog cycle trailers online. I wondered if anyone had ever used one? And I'd anyone had ever used a child trailer instead? I have the kids old bike trailer sitting in my shed unused so if I can convert that for free it would be a big financial help. I was thinking we could drive to the river and Ash could be in the bike trailer for the main run/cycle and then have a nice walk at the end during my husbands cool down.
  2. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Bike Trailer Question

    A few points to raise , is the ground flat and firm where you would be cycling ?
    If so, then as long as the person riding the bike is safe to do so and confident and as long as pup would be very firmly and safely fastened in the trailer, then give it a go and see how it is . Just be careful as Ash could panic when put in, so I would be having a trial run or two before setting off on a longer ride, good luck :)
  3. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Re: Bike Trailer Question

    Hi there, I just wanted to say well done for starting to get fit. Its a tough challenge fitting it around a busy life. I did the same 5 years ago and have never looked back. My old dog is my running pal and I love spending time with him outside. Meg my 6 month lab is in the wings waiting to starting running with me next year when he goes into semi retirement. You will love running with your dog. I have no advice about a dog in a bike attachment although we did miles with my twin boys in a trailer when they were little. I guess as long as your dog is tired when he goes in he will enjoy the view. Just like being in the car. Have fun :)
  4. GreenBull

    GreenBull Registered Users

    Jan 9, 2014
  5. ladyrattlesUK

    ladyrattlesUK Registered Users

    May 29, 2014
    Re: Bike Trailer Question

    That bike lead attachment looks great GreenBull, I will have to remember that in a few years when Ash will be up to running with a bike. At the moment he's only four months old so too little. I hope your wife does go ahead and attach it to her bike :)

    KateinCornwall the first section of the path near the country park where we will park is a dirt track and has two cattle grids but it becomes a wide tarmac path all the way into York city centre and beyond. I was going to put him in the trailer for the tarmac sections. I like the idea of trying him in the trailer first. I could push him round our estate this weekend with a load of food treats and see how he goes. If he totally hates it we will just have to get up an hour earlier for the run/cycle and Ash will just have to stay home and have his walk later on in the morning when the kids are at school.

    Edp I'm so glad to hear you jog with your older lab. My husband wanted me to pick a big dog that needed lots of exercise (so I picked my dream dog) but since we got Ash everyone keeps telling me you can't run with a lab due to their hips & elbows.

    Thanks everyone xxx
  6. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Bike Trailer Question

    I would definitely try you'd idea with the bike trailer :)

    Great idea for elderly dogs too.
  7. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Bike Trailer Question

    I've seen one used here with a bitch on heat!!!
  8. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Re: Bike Trailer Question

    Hi Ladyrattlesuk, actually my older boy is a Malamute who is getting on at 9. He is 50kg plus and is currently training with me for the Great North Run. I will be running with Meg but only on soft ground and when she is fully grown. There are loads of runners over here that run with Labs. I think we are nearly neighbours, I am just the other side of Harrogate :)
  9. Penny+Me

    Penny+Me Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2013
    Re: Bike Trailer Question

    I've seen a guy that rides around near where I work, he has two little terriers that he puts in the trailer and they just sit in there quite happily.

    It would be a case of getting the dog used to it. Maybe get him to go in there at first with a little chew or something - kind of like starting crate training as he will need to learn to be confined in the trailer. The children's ones I've seen have been open though whereas the specific dog ones you can zip up like a fabric crate so if you're planning on concerning a children's trailer it would have to me made more secure.

    There's no reason why you can't jog with Ash once he gets older, and if you introduce it gradually to build up his stamina. I think perhaps people were warning you away from doing it with a young dog whilst their bones and joints are still developing. I think the only time you wouldn't do it with an adult dog is if they get diagnosed with a joint problem like my dog Penny. I was hoping to maybe run with her one day but she has moderate hip dysplasia so I don't think it would do her any good.
  10. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Bike Trailer Question

    I know someone who tried the trailer but her dog hated it. I think it was a bit of a novelty (borrowed not bought) so she didn't persevere with it.
    I guess as the others have said, if you take it one step at a time, no reason why it shouldn't be possible.

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