Why do my two always play bitey face right next to me! I am sitting here with my legs on the table to keep them safe!
Re: Bitey face! Brilliant photos! ;D My two play bitey face right by me too! They're not allowed to play it when Lizzie is around though - they pull their punches but it's just too scary.
Re: Bitey face! Brilliant pics! My two play this too, and i have copped for many a nip on the feet for being nearby lol. Don't know about anyone else's but my boys make an awful,noise when they do,this, like a whiney noise and we have teeth clashing too Lou x
Re: Bitey face! Great photos! My two do the same, often sounding really menacing when they do it. Fortunately they stop immediately I say "Enough!" It's usually Tuppence, the younger one, who instigates it when she can't find a nylabone to 'share', but Wispa's only to happy to join in!