So we woke up this morning to find our poor boy 15 months had the runs during the night and had some blood in the stools. We gave him 2 bits of kibble but he brought this straight back up. He has been wormed recently and other than the above mentioned he is still alert and sniffing when we are kitchen. Just wanted to get your view/experiences before I decide whether to take him to the vets. He likes to sniff _and eat things when we are out so I think he's probable ate something sharp along with something that has fiagreed with him. Thanks
Re: Blood in poo Hi there, my dogs (had 5 over 20 years) are always eating something yuck. Usually dead old rabbits/birds and mice. Many times we get 24hrs of diarrhoea, then it just passes. They have never been sick at the same time and never had blood in their stools either. So maybe he has eaten something really yuck. I am not one to run to the vet but perhaps I would give him a call in this instance. Hope he is better soon.
Re: Blood in poo Blood = vet for me ! Fingers crossed it's nothing and passes soon but I'd rather be safe than sorry.
Re: Blood in poo Just an update sorry for late reply. We let him ride it out without seeing the vet and he was back to his bouncy self after 24 hours or so. So I'm putting it down to something he had eaten, he like to bury his head in soil so who knows what it had been. I'll be keeping a close eye his off lead adventures from now on. Thanks for your replies.
Re: Blood in poo Our boy once had the runs with blood in his poo -- not much, just a smear. But I can see from all of us, we are very vigilant over our Labs, aren't we?! Of course rushed him straight to the vet to be told that a little blood when there's diarrhoea is normal -- due to straining and the small capillaries burst, hence the blood. I was told by my vet that a small amount of fresh blood is okay if accompanied by straining to poo, usually indicates burst capillaries near the anus. Dark/black blood is not okay, means blood coming from much higher up in the intestines.