So in the time it took my husband and I to discuss where to put a shelf in the baby's room Riley very neatly opened a packet of sliced bread that was in a shopping bag and demolished about 3/4 of it :-[ Will it be bad for him and should I still give him his dinner? I'm thinking he'll be ok but no dinner.....
Re: Bread bad? He might feel a bit bloated Barbara and have some gassy emmisions , but in true Lab style he shouldnt be too worse for his greedy feast If you havent already fed him , I wouldnt give him too much x
Re: Bread bad? Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be fine it a little rotund. Hebe goes straight for the butter - why bother with the bread is her reasoning. Half pound straight through , on more than one occasion :. Little monster!
Re: Bread bad? Bread and butter is ok, but I'd advise in the strongest terms to keep the sprouts under close control.
Re: Bread bad? I get the evil eye if the girls don't get their raw sprout when I'm prepping. And carrots are peeled straight onto the floor, guests think it's hilarious. Now half a savoy cabbage can clear a room about an hour later... :x) [closest emoticon I can get to a peg on nose... ;D ]
Re: Bread bad? LOL Carrot bottoms for Lilly, tops for Daisy-bunny (peelings too if she has otherwise slim pickings). Any veg is fair game between the back door and the rabbit hutch. Oh....and frozen green beans are apparently good, but fresh ones she won't bother about them! (Daisy can keep them apparently)
Re: Bread bad? This mornings walk had several stops for 'processing'!!! But all seems well, certainly his appetite is undiminished ;D
Re: Bread bad? Hattie and Charlie love carrots, melon, apple, tomatos but my word they can hear a banana being peeled at 100 metres have rushed at full pelt and are sitting to attention in the hope they it will be shared with them!! Glad Riley is ok. Helen x
Re: Bread bad? Well, there's quite a lot to go through - you could always add some butter to speed it up