OK, Harvey has arrived and I already have a question Harvey likes to chew his crate! At the moment we haven't made any real effort to discourage this and we don't want any negative associations with using his crate but should we be looking to stop this? Can it be harmful to his teeth? PS: Pics to be added to the photo section shortly
Re: Cage Biter Charlie tried to chew his pen at first, I just tried to give him alternatives - a puppy kong proved popular. He soon discovered that metal wasn't the best thing to chew and his bed, water bowl etc were better...
Re: Cage Biter Welcome Harvey! Rosie chews hers now and again. She did hurt herself (no sign of any damage on her but she jumped up and ran over to me whimpering) but it didn't put her off. I tend to distract her a little/discourage her gently but haven't made a big deal of it. Good luck! Sure there'll be many more questions - bring 'em on! Xxx
Re: Cage Biter Hopefully he'll work out it's less fun than all the other chew items he'll be getting - definitely give him alternatives as Julie has said. Crate chewing is not the best for his teeth. They do explore everything with their mouths though - so it's normal for him to be testing everything with a bit of a gnaw
Re: Cage Biter My "Frisbee" did this once - broke one of his lower canines! It happened late at night while we were sleeping. He FREAKED out and was emitting a very scary alarm bark/wimper. I flew out of bed and didn't know what was wrong. Came out and looked at him and he quieted down quickly. Told him it was OK (because I couldn't see anything wrong with him) and went back to bed. I only figured out that his tooth had broken a couple of days later. He's fine now and still loves his kennel (which is significantly bigger now!). As I was typing this he just walked into it on his own to hang out. Good luck!!