stumbled across this short read and found it to be right on with what I know to be a modern approach to helping our pets. Thoughts ?
I think it raises very important points, yes, and I hope more and more people move from treating the behaviours to considering the “why” that drives the behaviour. The only thing I didn’t like was the “only uneducated people” comment. Hell, we all know I’ve been one of the first to jump on people for using punitive methods in their training and I am definitely not going to start condoning it now, but I’m also trying to reconcile this with finding a way to make a difference and I don’t believe that’s by calling “the other side” uneducated. With those words, division is formed, rather than trying to start a conversation whereby minds might be changed. Yep, it’s pretty hypocritical of me to say so considering some of my comments on here, but like I said in a post the other day, if you’re not disagreeing with what you said a year ago, you’re not moving forwards.