Cali is now almost 14 months old and was lap spayed last month. Following the surgery, there is a definite change in her behavior for the worse In fact, she seems to be regressing a good bit. She used to be very good at leaving household things like laundry, remote control, bathroom hand towels etc. In fact, we used to leave her alone downstairs while taking a shower and such. Now it seems we can't take our eyes off her for a single second. This morning she chewed through the remote control in the 5 minutes our backs were turned. Yesterday it was stealing socks from the laundry basket and so on. I am wondering if this is in any way an after effect of the surgery? Has anyone else noticed similar behavioral changes? Her routine hasn't changed whatsoever either in terms of exercise or feeding. There is no easy explanation. Thanks.
My girl was spayed young at 6 months, and I didn't notice any behavioural changes. Could it be the onset on adolescence? Most people seem to talk about the teenage hooligan appearing before 12 months, but others have described it hitting once their dog turned 1. It'll be interesting to hear what other people have to say. I feel your pain on the remote, though. Xena's destroyed 3 Smart TV remotes, and they are not cheap to replace!
Having no experience, I've no idea about the cause of Cali's apparent regression. However, Molly is due to be spayed in the coming few months, so I hope it isn't related to the spaying Good luck with Cali, let's hope she's just having a funny few days.
Spaying causes a disturbance in hormones, and hormones affect behaviour. Just keep an eye on her, work on keeping her engaged through little games at home. When you are in the shower, distract her with a puzzle toy or frozen kong. I am sure she will be back to normal soon.