Chew toys??

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Lisa, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Wondering what you all give to your dogs as chew toys. Simba is the first dog I've owned with such a, shall we say, passion for chewing!! MY BCs turned up their noses at a Nylabone, Simba is chewing them to bits.

    Any advice on Nylabones? Good, bad? Other ideas? I've heard mention of bones here and there on the forums, any more info on that? And do Labs get less "chewy" as they get older??? :)
  2. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Chew toys??

    Hi Lisa.....I think Dexter is a chewer...that sounds like really I should know doesn't it?What I mean is he has always had loads and loads of toys that he chews and I think I have avoided any great damage in the house by making sure he always has something?Some chews are more successful than's my experience so far....

    I have never used edible a horrible article about a lab choking on a raw hide chew( but that is my totally unbalanced view though because I never researched further)dexters favorite chew toy is a nylabone that is hard,rigid's now getting so chewed it is discoloring and looks vile but he loves it.I have never given him the smaller flavoured nylabone chews as I'm scared of choking again.Our most successful items are the thick,durable,durable plastic toys that have an almost industrial smell to them they are so thick!
    He has crunched up some apparently 'almost indestructible ' toys in minutes.....I can tell now by the feel what will survive and what won't...but there are still no guarantees.Kongs survive him although he did crunch up a kong plastic stick in about 15 minutes.He loves chew toys with bells in and I have a very hard plastic bone and ball with bells in that he is allowed but knowing what he is like only ever under supervision.thinking about it he could have a nylabone small chew if I supervised him.....only the same same.
    He has an awful habit of chewing stones.....(freaks me out,choking again aggggh and/ or broken teeth)My husband is more relaxed about this as he really is a pain..he finds one,we take it off him,he finds one we take it off him...Chris's solution....find him a big one yourself that he can't choke on and leave him to it!!!men!
    My solution is to give him ice cubes....I think he likes the clacking sensation around his mouth and the ice satisfies it's so hot now where we live I think it helps to keep him cool! I regularly go on find the stone hunts with my niece and nephew to limit the amount available but he still finds them....he can even dig to find them.....
    So that's what we have discovered .he's been with us nearly 4 months and so far I have only lost one skirting board and a bit of door frame( in his area).... This was probably 2 months in and I left him for 2 hours exactly....the longest he had ever been left and I didn't crate him....he had loads of toys so I just think he was telling me he was miffed !i
  3. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Chew toys??

    Simba might enjoy a stagbar (which is a piece of deer antler). My Poppy doesnt like her particularly, but then she's not a very 'chewy' dog. My sister's lab loves his antler!
  4. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Chew toys??

    We use ......
    stag bars - moderately interested
    Anco root - chewed like a lump of wood and left scattered across grass
    Nylabone - not interested. Except for one she chewed to bit 6 months ago after having it since a pup
    Filled marrow bone from pet shop - bored after half hour
    Frozen kongs or "Hedgehogs " - 10 - 30 mins depending on size
    Raw hide - keeps her wel occupied maybe couple hours tops then "hidden" for he next day
    Big meaty butchers bone - bliss - half a day you dont see her. Comes in. Wants out. Comes in. Wants out. Got to keep an eyeoon it you see !!!
    I guess I have seen her gagging on all of them at one time or another but nothing serious. Not sure whether she would choke it up. Don't know how risky any of these really are. Never really chews unsupervised though.
    A tip would be save a bone for a nice day! Lilly would be out in a thunderstorm eating it.
    Did you see the recent post Bout a shard of bone from a stag bar thouh? Made me a bit wary but as I said never really not supervised with these

  5. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Chew toys??

    Well, frankly anything can splinter. They can pull the eyes out of toys, get splinters in their mouths from chewing wood, break their teeth on stones, or even on big bones. It's best to simply keep an eye on them, I think...
  6. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Chew toys??

    Absolutely Karen
  7. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Chew toys??

    Totally agree, Riley doesn't have any kind of 'chew' unless I'm around. The only thing I leave him with unsupervised is a Kong.
  8. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: Chew toys??

    Yes I have a Kong he shall be presented with post-cone. :p For now it's the Nylabone....definitely supervised with it as I have to hold the thing for him! However the one he's presently using I do not think I would get agin. It is white with some red "bacon" flavoured chunks imbedded in it. Problem being that he chewed right through the knobby end of the bone and the red chunk came out. A definite choking hazard I would say. Same thing happened with the other end of the bone. I only noticed because I was holding the bone for him otherwise I'm sure he would have tried to chew that red bit and likely would try to swallow it too. So will be sticking with the "one flavour" type from now on.
  9. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013

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