Nero is teething and chews literally anything he can get his mouth around including our hands! Can someone recommend things we can give him to chew? Ice cubes keep him busy but not for long! I was looking at some flavoured bones in our local pet store but I am unsure if they may be too hard for his teeth
Re: chews Think frozen kongs must be top of the list. Stuffed with filling of your choice - our favorite was always banana with honey or peanut butter and some natural yoghurt. Popped in the freezer overnight. Lots of other options on fillings too
Re: chews My dog quite enjoyed the Nylabones, but he's getting a bit bored of those. The frozen kongs work great here, too, if only I could find someone who wants to keep them filled and frozen for can soak kibble to soften and use that as part of the filling. I also use frozen banana, yogurt, peanut butter, cheese....etc, etc
Re: chews I found a good tip that Penny loved! Tie an old tea towel in a knot and soak it in water, then freeze. This also works with rope toys. Penny loved just sucking on the frozen towel and the cold would soothe her gums.