Christmas foods?

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Karen, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    After David's 'Prawns' topic, I wondered whether your dogs profited from the Christmas excesses? I know I am trying to lose a few pounds, but Poppy seems to have done rather well from Christmas. (She is raw fed.)

    We had salmon on Christmas day - she loved the skin and head. Then we had duck on boxing day - yum yum to the necks, giblets and wings. She was a bit put out not to be given any of the prawns we had on Christmas eve!

    The supermarkets seem to have gone overboard with Christmas fare, and afterwards there seemed to be loads of stuff going cheap... so I have stocked up the 'Poppy' section of the freezer with quail and rabbit just reaching its sell by date and sardines at half price... and a friend has given us more venison ribs after a successful shoot.

    So far she gobbles down anything I give her. The only thing she didnt like was a bit of pheasant - perhaps it had hung too long? At any rate, when she sniffed it a bit dubiously I took it straight off her again - last time she was dubious about eating something it resulted in an upset tummy. Also I did think perhaps it is not a good idea to give a retriever pheasant??? Not that she is a gun dog, but still - you never know...
  2. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Re: Christmas foods?

    Lady put on over 1 kg over Christmas and with her elbows I'm now working on getting it off her again (today's topic is targets on the main forum so my target for Lady is 26.5kg by the first day of spring - she's 27.8 kg today and was 28.5kg on New Years Eve).

    - Yes to giblets etc
    - Yes to mugging the whole family during Christmas lunch (I know, I know!)
    - Yes to getting stuff when I was carving off the leftovers
    - Yes to everyone giving her edible Christmas presents.

    On the pheasant front, if I'm skinning one in the garage she follows me in and noses around full of interest until I get started then she runs away. As you say, maybe I'm hanging them too long!
  3. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Christmas foods?

    It's amazing how much we drop on the floor when carving a joint or grating cheese over something!

    We never used to be this messy ;)
  4. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Christmas foods?

    Ha Ha, yes!
    I have developed this technique of scooping all the crumbs into a pile then wheeking them over the edge onto the floor rather than delicately scooping them into the food bin.
    My bad :eek:


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