Confused by worming tablets.

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by jade805, Oct 14, 2013.

  1. jade805

    jade805 Registered Users

    Mar 5, 2013
    I have just been looking at buying on line and I don't know where to start! The vet nurse said I could get Drontal without the prescription but it looks like it hardly kills anything compared to her normal Advocate dose. Do the vets mind making out prescriptions so we can order on line?
  2. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Confused by worming tablets.

    I dont think they mind Jade but you will have to pay for a Vet prescription, so do the sums first . Milbermax is a good all round wormer too :)
  3. scoutpuppy

    scoutpuppy Registered Users

    Oct 11, 2013
    Re: Confused by worming tablets.

    Hello :)

    I don't worm my lab Scout, I used to but stopped 2 years ago.

    He hasn't has any worms or anything bad like that, he just gets his butchers tinned food, which I can't recommend highly enough, it's great food! also he gets fresh fruit and veg daily, and a raw chicken drumstick everyday, plus he gets other raw meaty bones during the week and raw fish and he hasn't had any problems :).
    Wormers aren't preventatives, I have heard time and time again dogs getting wormed even though they are wormed regularly. The best thing to do is give your dog no wormers, and then if they happen to get worms, you go and get some tablets and clear the worms, most wormers kill worms very quickly.
    Giving wormers regular is just giving your dog tablets unnecessarily when they don't have any worms to get rid of, all the wormers you can buy are worm killers not preventatives, so if they happen to get worms, the tablets you have been giving wont be affective because the worms will be used to them.
    My advice would be don't give tablets and just keep an eye when your dog when they go to the toilet, if you see worms, get tablets and kill them :)

    Hope this helps

  4. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Confused by worming tablets.

    I think there is a lot of confusion about worming. I'm afraid I am going to have to disagree with a lot of Holly's post though :)

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to tell whether a dog has worms just by looking at his faeces. He may be severely infested before you see tapeworm segments. You could however opt for faecal testing. I believe there are some laboratories now that offer this service to the general public - if anyone has used one, perhaps they could post a link?

    It is true that wormers are not preventatives, but regular worming does prevent the dog building up a heavy burden of worm infestation.

    I think this is unlikely. As an appropriate dose of wormer destroys all the worms that inhabit the dogs intestine at the time of worming, there shouldn’t be any left to become resistant. I have not seen any evidence about resistance in worm populations, but if anyone has a link that would be helpful

    I don't want to seem like I am nit-picking. But, because issues like worming, vaccination (anything where there is a risk of side effects really) are often contentious topics, I do think it is quite important to try and get to the bottom of what is myth and what is actual fact. Which is why I usually ask people to post up links to evidence with regard to information on the efficacy of what may be important health care products for our pets.

  5. Puppypal

    Puppypal Registered Users

    Aug 8, 2013
    Re: Confused by worming tablets.

    Worming barley is a very difficult thing. He seems to have an intolerance/ allergie to some or one of the ingridents in chemical wormers that make him very ill after having them, so for that reason he is now on a nutualr supplement that kills worms, and is very gentle on his system, and so far we have not had any complications.

    Puzzle has had milbemax, and is now on drontal as we won a years supply of it, the size difference in tablets is amazing, the drontal tablets are tiny compared to the milbemax lump that she had. Drontal does not cover all of the worms that we want it to cover like lungworm but we will just have to make do.

    we have never had to order prescription items online, so we have never had to ask for a prescription from the vet, but i don't think that our vets would take it very well as they want to take as much money from you as possible, and are not the friendliest of staff.
  6. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: Confused by worming tablets.

    I agree with Holly, almost! I do worm my dogs once a year to be socially aware. But I cannot agree with the three monthly worming program that vets advocate, it is like flea products, you don't really need them until you see fleas or worms. Apart from puppies that is, they do need worming correctly.

    If I saw a sign of worms, of course I would worm!

    However, I do believe in regular vaccination.
  7. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Confused by worming tablets.

    I can only repeat that by the time you are seeing evidence of worms, your dog may have been infested for some considerable time.

    I have discovered a link for a faecal test lab. I cannot vouch for them as I have not used them, and I am sure there are others offering the same service.

    For those wishing to avoid chemical wormers, for whatever reason, it seems like a good idea to have your dog tested from time to time.

    Here is the link Wormcount Veterinary Laboratory
  8. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Confused by worming tablets.

    I really don't know any of the background stuff for worms, but I personally feel that with a lab like Lilly who scavenges for all manner of "edible" stuff in and around our country areas,I don't want to take any risks.

    I have been using Drontal XL but thinking of Milbemax once my current supply has gone.
    I'm not overly strict on the 3 monthly bit, though she probably gets them 3 times a year.

    I think if I had young kids in the house I would be extra careful.
  9. jade805

    jade805 Registered Users

    Mar 5, 2013
    Re: Confused by worming tablets.

    I was going to post about how I will use something with having the boys.
  10. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Confused by worming tablets.

    Yup taking no risks with the little one and my vets text me to remind me ;D
  11. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Confused by worming tablets.

    Definite wormers here but not strictly every 3 months, but again with children in the house it's a must for them, and dogs as worms can be very nasty :( Helen x
  12. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Confused by worming tablets.

    we have wormed jasper every month from him being 8 week old, we use advocate,.......when he was 4 month old i wormed him and the day after i did there was a worm in his poop, i was horrified, i rang the vet who explained to me that the wormer was obviously working to rid the worm. if after is 2nd and 3rd poo i was to see more to ring her ,......i only saw it the once, as pippa states he could be invested before you see the worms ;)
  13. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Confused by worming tablets.

    Wow every month Lynne, is that recommended? I don't use Advocate so don't really know. Helen x :)
  14. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Confused by worming tablets.

    we get it off the vet, up to him being 6 month she weighed him for his prescription , at 6 month again she weighed him and gave us a 3 month supply, ......i guess she knows best,.....i think when he turns 12 month he will go on 3 monthly
  15. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Confused by worming tablets.

    I use it too Lynne , but only every three or four months with our two , I like that it knocks fleas for six too . I dont like using chemicals at all, but would hate worms and fleas even more ::)
  16. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Confused by worming tablets.

    At the end of this thread, there is a useful summary of the coverage of advocate, advantix and others.,2360.msg22730.html#msg22730

    Charlie gets advocate, advantix and (up to now) Drontal. But as he moves on to his adult stuff, I'll ask about Milbemax - but need the ear mite protection of advocate for Charlie, so that might not save me anything.
  17. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Confused by worming tablets.

    I would rather that my dog not build up any significant worm load, so we worm every three months with Milbemax. I think it's important to now and then use something that covers tapeworm, which not all wormers do (just check the packet). Milbemax covers tapeworm.

    We do it when the seasons change, to help us remember. So, at the start of December, March, June and September.
  18. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Confused by worming tablets.

    It truly is confusing, I only use Drontal so that's not covering all worms is that correct? Helen x
  19. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Confused by worming tablets.

    Pretty sure that Drontal covers all intestinal worms, including tapeworm :) It doesn't do heartworm though (neither does Milbemax).

    Obi gets a yearly injection for heartworm, plus we use the Milbemax tablets 3 monthly. That covers all relevant worms.

    Drontal plus something to treat heartworm would do the same :)
  20. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Confused by worming tablets.

    Yes, advocate does heart worm (and lungworm) although not sure heartworm is so much of a concern in the UK? I think advantix is the one I could drop, in the winter anyway.

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