Crate training issues

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by First timer, Jan 14, 2016.

  1. First timer

    First timer Registered Users

    Jan 13, 2016
    Hi we have a gorgeous 8.5 week old yellow lab puppy Daisy. We are committed to crate training her because we have 3 kids (9 year old plus two teenagers) plus lots of younger kids popping over.
    Issue is she hates being shut in the crate. She isn't afraid of it and will willingly go in. We're feeding and treating in there and yet she screams blue murder if you shut the door.
    At night we have no other option so we have put up with her screaming and take her out every 3 hours for toilet break. She will eventually sleep in there at night (night 4 now) but is clearly distressed for the first hour)- panting, screaming etc. We have tried all the usual tricks (water bottle, ticking clock, tshirt of mine, crate covered with blanket).
    We can (mostly) live with this nighttime arrangement for now because neighbours can't hear her, we have ear plugs and honestly we don't have another option (only secure room is a bathroom the kids use overnight).
    Day time- she'll go willingly in crate, always gets tasty treats, but shut the door and she pants and howls.
    We have the HAppy Puppy book and have NEVER opened the door while she is barking. We have progressed to 30 secs or so quiet with treats but she won't lie down or settle, even with a yummy kong or pigs ear.
    She seems to love sleeping in the open , but near us. Yesterday she slept for 2 hours in middle of lawn. Perhaps she doesn't like closed in area to sleep?
    Question is, heading into day 6 of this, should we persevere or give up?
    She has soiled the crate twice overnight but this has been after an hour of screaming (midnight after being put to bed at 11) because we can't tell between I need to poo scream and hate the crate scream.
    Any advice greatly appreciated!!
  2. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Hello and welcome to the forum from me and my two lovely monsters, Willow and Shadow.

    Firstly, try to remember, Daisy is just a baby. She's used to being surrounded by her family all the time and it's very new to have to be all alone. She feels lonely and afraid.
    I would suggest putting her crate in your bedroom at nighttime for now. That way, she can hear and smell you near. It should help to settle her and get her used to being in there overnight. Maybe try covering it with a blanket so she feels more like she's in a den, which will make her feel more secure.

    Alternatively, you could consider a pen-and-crate arrangement. If you have a suitable space, use a pen around the crate, so she can use that as a bed, but leave the crate as she wishes. the pen arrangement will keep your puppy and belongings safe!

    Mags (@Boogie) and a couple of others use this arrangement very successfully, so will hopefully be able to give you more advice if you go down that route.

    Good luck, and please try to post some pictures of Daisy if you can. There are more details in the Technical section of the forum :)
  3. lucy@labforumHQ

    lucy@labforumHQ Administrator Forum Supporter

    Oct 14, 2013
    Hi there,

    Fiona has given some great advice above. You might also find this article of interest: How To Cope With A Crying Puppy

    Fingers crossed she will settle in soon. Let us know how you get along!

  4. Mollly

    Mollly Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Thames Valley
    Put yourself I her shoes (if she had them) she has been whisked away from her mum, litter mates and all she knew, of course she is going to protest.

    It is early days yet, persevere.

    I was lucky, we were able to put Molly's crate in a separate room. I would lurk outside the room, wait for the smallest pause in the barking and erupt into the room all smiles and "Good quiet girl". Let her out and give her fuss and treats.
  5. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    I had Juno's crate in the bedroom at night for the first 10 or 11 nights. She was happy in the crate with the door open or closed during the day but not once the light went off. She settled very quickly and happily at night and I could hear if she started fidgeting. I then moved her down to the kitchen in the crate at night and she settled with no problems. Daisy is very much a baby who is suddenly without the warmth and comfort of mum and siblings to snuggle up to. Hood luck with whatever way you decide to go forward
  6. Cath

    Cath Registered Users

    Jan 17, 2015
    I cover Annie's crate with a blanket, leaving one end uncovered and give her two cuddly soft toys to cuddle up to. Annie is 9 weeks. Daisy is very young like the other members have said. Give her time, you have only had her 6 days. I am sure she will settle down soon.
  7. First timer

    First timer Registered Users

    Jan 13, 2016
    Thank you for all your replies. I agree we need to take a deep breath and remember she's a baby. Last night she was very settled going in crate at night. So today (we're in Australia so opposite time zone) we will try for lots of mini crate visits and praising for silence. Despite reading everything I could get my hands on I wasn't prepared for how much like a baby she is!
    I'll try to work out how to post a photo because she is beautiful
  8. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    bet she is beautiful. I had a pup that was a bit like this. She hated being but to bed. I slept with her until she could cope. Some really hate being seperated from the family. If you've got room or want to some people put a crate next to the bed or in the bedroom so your pup can hear see and smell youre there.
    My last pup cried once and i had to sleep with my hand on him for the first night. second night he was better and I had just to sleep next to the crate. The next night i made it to the sofa then the night after that too my own bed. He's been great but I just think some need us more than others. Its hard to adjust to a new family.
    I'm lucky i have 3 labs so my new pup always had company when i wasn't around i think its the loneliness that gets to these little pups.

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