Crying in the crate...Part II

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by star.lily, Mar 10, 2015.

  1. star.lily

    star.lily Registered Users

    Jan 8, 2015
    Luke came home at 8 weeks old and putting him in the crate to sleep was definitely an ordeal. He cried for hours for almost a week and then it magically lessened to a few minutes of whimpering and then it was totally gone. He would go into his crate and sleep until about 5-6:30am and wake me up to go potty. Depending on when he woke me up, we would not bother going back to bed or I would put him back for a little longer snooze.

    He is 13 weeks old today and for the past two nights he's been crying in the crate again. The first night it was some soft whimpering for a few minutes but last night it was loud whimpering, crying and scratching at the crate pad. I'm worried it'll be progressively worse each night. I've been trying to rack my brain about what could have caused the change. I've considered the possibility that it's just a phase. Also my boyfriend stays some nights but not those two nights and I don't know if maybe he was missing him. I also work away from home and he's gated off but someone (either me taking a very long lunch, my boyfriend, or a friend will go and visit him during lunchtime to feed him, take him out, go on a walk and play)- I don't know if he's responding to being cooped up some time during the day but it wasn't a problem before as long I as tired him out before work, after work, and someone did in the middle of the day as well. I also bought him a new, really nice bed since he's always trying to get up on the sofa (still hasn't won ::)) but I wanted him to have his own and he's loved it. I've been putting that in the space where he's sectioned off during the day so I can keep his crate in my room and not have to move it around. His crate used to be available to him all day and he would sometimes go in it and just lay down but now it's in my bedroom behind a closed door. Is it possible he's just not as familiar with his crate now because of the change? I just have no idea what's happening and I want to fix whatever is bothering him.
  2. Penny+Me

    Penny+Me Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2013
    Re: Crying in the crate...Part II

    It could well be that he may have taken a step backwards in his crate training because he is now not in it all the time. In his mind he may be wondering why he has to be in the crate at night time but not during the day.

    You say you have the crate in the bedroom, could there be something in the middle of the night that could be waking him up? Is there a pattern to it like is it the same time each night?

    Have you considered moving him out of your bedroom? That way he can have his crate during the day too and you won't have to cart it up and down the stairs everyday. Also you will get a better nights sleep and be able to ignore him better when he's whining and crying in the crate - I bet he knows you're awake during the night when he cries.

    Has there been any difference to his toilet routine? He could be waking up and crying because he needs the toilet? He could be getting a bit of an upset tummy and be crying to be let out for the toilet.

    What do you when he is crying? Do you go to him or ignore him? That can also have an effect on how well he settles too.

    Or of course as it has only been two nights it could just be a phase. Have a think through all the things I mentioned and if you can't identify any sort of trigger then it could just be that he is trying his luck and crying in the hopes you will let him out.
  3. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Crying in the crate...Part II

    Bella was sleeping in her crate at night in the kitchen ( after a few weeks in my room due to her getting in such a state) however about a few months ago she started waking up at 2 am and 4am out of the blue whining and barking.,, so she ended up back with me. After a month back with me, back she went into the kitchen in her crate and touch wood she's been fine since ......she sleeps in there during the day in the kitchen ( crate open) and at night ( crate closed) . When she slept with me at night she slept in a travel crate but now she's in her metal crate all the time I think it feels more like her den, she even goes and gets in it herself sometimes. Just a thought he's not peed in there has he?? Hopefully it's just a phase and will pass. Good luck ;D

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