Dentastix vs Frozen Dentastix

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by ClareJ, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. ClareJ

    ClareJ Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Okay, so after Jen's original posts about chews, in which she asked whether it would be possible to freeze dentastix, I have conducted some highly unscientific research.

    Yesterday Theakston demolished a dentastix in 21 seconds. To be honest, this was in fact longer than I thought. He used to have one every morning, and we stopped because they were gone so quickly and there was so little contact with his teeth, I had decided they were nothing more than big treats and ineffective as chews...

    This morning I gave him a frozen dentastix, and it did slow him down. By all of four seconds. Most of that though was the pause for surprise when he realised the temperature wasn't quite what he was expecting... once he got going, if anything I'd say it was quicker, because it broke into pieces very easily that he then pretty much inhaled. And this is my spaniel, whose ability to chew pales into insignificance against a Lab.

    So yes, you can definitely freeze dentastix, but like dentastix themselves, why bother??? Definitely better chew options out there.

    I did try Brew with them too, but yesterday was the first time she had seen one, so I didn't time her, and she is also teething at the moment, which is affecting her usual chew rate.

    It has however left me wondering - do you think dogs get ice-cream head??? Or belly, in this case! ::)
  2. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Dentastix vs Frozen Dentastix

    based on mine's love of water at any time of year and my experiences sailing through the winter I would say NO!!!

    But he might just be too silly to notice ;D ;D ;D
  3. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Dentastix vs Frozen Dentastix

    Very, very useful. I have to say dentastix are pretty hopeless here too - they are gone in a flash.

    Currently using small sticks of 8 in 1 rawhide. They last about 15 minutes, but are quite small (so he doesn't get too much rawhide). Special treat after morning walk.

    Going to try the frozen hedgehogs - I have to leave him for a few hours tomorrow, so I'll pack his breakfast into the hedgehogs and see how we go with those.
  4. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Dentastix vs Frozen Dentastix

    Gave up on Dentastix here as they disappeared in less than 20 seconds, I buy 12" rawhide twisty chews and they last quite a while, hedgehogs?? ???
  5. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
  6. ClareJ

    ClareJ Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Re: Dentastix vs Frozen Dentastix

    [quote author=charlie link=topic=3936.msg45460#msg45460 date=1389180019]
    I buy 12" rawhide twisty chews and they last quite a while[/quote]

    Same here, Helen - they love the rawhide and it lasts. But I don't actually want them eating 12" worth of rawhide... :(
  7. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Dentastix vs Frozen Dentastix

    Thank you Barbara, they look good. :)
  8. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Dentastix vs Frozen Dentastix

    [quote author=ClareJ link=topic=3936.msg45466#msg45466 date=1389180768]
    [quote author=charlie link=topic=3936.msg45460#msg45460 date=1389180019]
    I buy 12" rawhide twisty chews and they last quite a while[/quote]

    Same here, Helen - they love the rawhide and it lasts. But I don't actually want them eating 12" worth of rawhide... :(

    I can understand that Clare as your dogs are much smaller than mine. :)
  9. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Dentastix vs Frozen Dentastix

    [quote author=ClareJ link=topic=3936.msg45466#msg45466 date=1389180768]
    But I don't actually want them eating 12" worth of rawhide... :(

    That's my problem too - Charlie chews to eat. So he is limited to these:

    Because they are small, but don't have even smaller bits to fall off and get swallowed.

    That said, I ordered an absolutely enormous rawhide plait by mistake - it's about 2ft long and about as thick as your forearm. He couldn't eat it. It was so big he had trouble getting enough of it in his mouth to tear bits off so had to chew it slowly. Perfect. Only trouble is when he sees it, he goes mad bouncing up and down, then runs round the room with it. So it's being saved until he is better.
  10. Maggie68

    Maggie68 Registered Users

    Jun 4, 2013
    Re: Dentastix vs Frozen Dentastix

    Yes dentastix are gone to quickly, not a great chew. One of the best things I have given Otis, is an antler, and a hard pinecone, one of the closed up ones. I realise these arent edible, but better than rawhide I think, so if you can find a pinecone theyre great although make a little mess, Otis is a real chewer will try and chew anything.
  11. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Dentastix vs Frozen Dentastix

    [quote author=Maggie68 link=topic=3936.msg45471#msg45471 date=1389181306]
    Yes dentastix are gone to quickly, not a great chew. One of the best things I have given Otis, is an antler, and a hard pinecone, one of the closed up ones. I realise these arent edible, but better than rawhide I think, so if you can find a pinecone theyre great although make a little mess, Otis is a real chewer will try and chew anything.

    I can't use the antlers - Charlie bites down, harder and harder, and so antlers are too hard, they risk tooth damage. I stick to the advice not to give your dog anything so hard you can't dent it with your thumbnail: for Dogs from a Dental Perspective.pdf

    Note also that sandy tennis balls can be problematic! ::)
  12. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Dentastix vs Frozen Dentastix

    Not sure but I thought pinecones were poisonous to dogs :-\
  13. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Dentastix vs Frozen Dentastix

    Riley's first birthday present....


    Played havoc with his stomach so had to be removed ::)

    We use rawhide cigars now no more frequently than every other day as Riley always seems to eat what he chews too.
  14. Maggie68

    Maggie68 Registered Users

    Jun 4, 2013
    Re: Dentastix vs Frozen Dentastix

    Just did a bit of googling to see if pinecones are poisonous to dogs. They arent, but not good if given to dogs who want to eat them as the shape, can perforate stomach and bowel. Otis just chews his, and he just tends to chew the antler to. So obviously not good if given to a young puppy, but the pinecone I have given him is a big closed up one he tends to tear bits off it, and chew it, he seems to scrape his teeth along the antler. Maggie x
  15. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Dentastix vs Frozen Dentastix

    Hah! That's nearly as big as Riley.

    Yes, we are on:

    Small rawhide chews, strictly limited in quantity - no more than one a day, and usually less
    Kong goodie bones filled with sticks of dried sweet potato (which are very chewy) - quite a few of these a day as they are problem free
    Dried fish skin knots - also limited in quantity to 1 or 2 a day as too many makes poo runny
    Frozen kongs - we use these a lot
    Anco rice chews - instead of a rawhide chew some days (about to try stuffing and freezing the hedgehogs)
    Beef pizzle very, very, rarely as calorie controlled diet allows.

    And that's it. :mad:
  16. Jen

    Jen Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2013
    Re: Dentastix vs Frozen Dentastix

    Thanks for the results of the experiment clare. Back to the drawing board. ;)

    Although as I posted on the chew thread anco roots have been a big hit here.

    Expensive though. I went for extra large so it will be interesting to see how long it lasts. Only had them two days.

    So far they are spitting most of the bits out especially any chunks which is good. Also they don't seem as scary for their teeth. Although very hard because of the size and shape they can't get their jaw around it to bite down and it softens as they chew.

    Update on frozen hedgehogs would've great.

    Jen :D
  17. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Dentastix vs Frozen Dentastix

    Hmm...might try the anco root then - if they can't get it between their teeth...
  18. MadMudMob

    MadMudMob Registered Users

    Dec 6, 2013
    Re: Dentastix vs Frozen Dentastix

    As you can imagine parrots adore pine cones so all my dogs have picked up the dropped ones for a good chewing and never had a problem.

    The other 'toy' my dogs enjoy is toilet and kitchen roll inners. Again it started with the parrots but even parrot-free as I am now we still play a game with them. two or three chuck'n'retrieves then we bend the ends over with a little treat inside and the dog happily takes it to bed to rip up.

    DD4DD is really good at chewing then spitting but some dogs, I suspect, might eat the cardboard too.
  19. ClareJ

    ClareJ Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Re: Dentastix vs Frozen Dentastix

    [quote author=Jen link=topic=3936.msg45490#msg45490 date=1389184571]

    Although as I posted on the chew thread anco roots have been a big hit here.

    Expensive though. I went for extra large so it will be interesting to see how long it lasts. Only had them two days.

    So far they are spitting most of the bits out especially any chunks which is good. Also they don't seem as scary for their teeth. Although very hard because of the size and shape they can't get their jaw around it to bite down and it softens as they chew.

    Let me know how they last, Jen... I'm waiting to hear your results before I make the investment! I am a bit concerned that from what you say they seem to be disintegrating - but hey, at least they are spitting the bits out...

    Brew loves to chew to eat (I think she and Choc Charlie are the same in that respect) and I'd worry that she'd eat the bits regardless.
  20. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Dentastix vs Frozen Dentastix

    Right, hedgehog and crocodile, stuffed with soaked kibble, and in the freezer....

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