Hello. My 1 yr 3 month old lab has dog acne. I noticed bumps on his lip and chin. Took him to the vet and they say its dog acne. I have never heard of it. Has anyone else? Is this common with labs? The vet gave us a topical cream and said it will go away. I am just nervous that it could scar. Any thoughts? TIA Claudia
what kind of bowl are you feeding him in? my chocolate boy (2.5 yr) occasionally gets these pimples. My vet told me to stop using plastic bowls and use stainless and clean them after each meal as canine acne is a bacterial condition. that's seemed to have helped some but he still gets outbreaks, especially in the summer.
Thank you, I will make sure I clean the bowls after each feedong. We already use stainless steel bowls. My vet did say he will grow out of it.