Dog hates garage kennel

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Torch, Nov 22, 2017.

  1. Torch

    Torch Registered Users

    Nov 22, 2017
    we have a new lab pup. He does very well in the house and crate. Problem I am having is I want to get him used to a garage kennel (5x5) that has a doggy door to outside kennel (10x15). This is where I want to leave him if we are gone for extended time during the day. Every time I put him in the garage kennel he destroys everything in it in about 15 minutes.

    How can I make him comfortable out there? Any advice is appreciated as I would rather have him out there as opposed to stuck in a crate while we are away. So far he does great in the crate. Also, he is now 10 weeks old.
  2. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Hi Torch and welcome to the forum :)

    When puppies or dogs react that way to isolation it’s a sign of extreme, extreme anxiety. Your pup is too young to handle what you’re asking of him here. Also, when you’re getting a pup used to being alone for periods of time it has to be done in a very gradual way. 15 minutes is much too long to start with.

    First I’d get him used to being by himself in a familiar environment (like, inside your house, in a safe puppy proof room or a comfy crate), starting with a few seconds only of you being out of sight. It has to be built up slowly. Then, when you start getting him used to the outdoor area, begin by spending time in there with him so he gets used to that place without feeling isolated and alone. At first, leave him alone for seconds only.

    Keep in mind that for a baby animal being left alone in an unfamiliar place means (in their mind) that they’re going to die and they do everything they can to get back to their family. They react like it’s a matter of survival. To them it is. They don’t know that you intend to come back.

    This article is about crate training but it gives you an idea of the steps to go through to train your puppy to get used to spending some time on his own in a new space:
    MF likes this.
  3. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Another thought - if he’s already really good in the crate inside the house then when you start getting him used to being in the outside kennel move the crate out there for training sessions. Personally I’d hold off on the outdoor arrangement and instead transition him to a puppy pen inside your house if you want him to have more room as he’s likely to be less distressed with that arrangement while he’s still so young.

    Do you have people or dog walkers who can pop in to visit if you need to leave him while you’re out? How long do you plan to be leaving him alone for eventually?
  4. Torch

    Torch Registered Users

    Nov 22, 2017
    Thanks for the reply’s. Plan is to eventually leave him in the indoor/outdoor kennel for most of a day. This isn’t often but does happen from time to time. My thought is he will still have plenty of room to get out and excercise/potty while we are away.
    In the meantime he does very well all night in crate and for 1-3 hour stays during the day.
  5. MF

    MF Registered Users

    May 5, 2014
    Cape Town, South Africa
    Have you considered doggy daycare for those occasions you need to leave him the whole day?

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