Elk Bones

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by mmomom, Aug 16, 2015.

  1. mmomom

    mmomom Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    Wonder if anyone has tried these. They have been recommended by the trainer as a good diversion for Maui to expend some energy. I've been reading about them but haven't checked with my Vet yet regarding safety for her teeth. So wondering if anyone has used them and how it went. Thanx! :)
  2. Jane Martin

    Jane Martin Registered Users

    Apr 16, 2014
    I avoid bones because my vets don't agree on them so I err on safety and use whimzees, a vegan chew that lasts a good 20 mins.
  3. mmomom

    mmomom Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    Hmmm ... interesting. Thanx Jane. I have always not even done 'chews' basically because when I had my Maggie I was told when she was a pup they could get them stuck and choke or swallow and have other problems. The Nylabones that were such a big deal now also have alot of bad press. So, with Maui she has her Kong toys and that's it. This Trainer seemed so positive it was okay. The only thing I've read is to watch the size and type and how they chew regarding their teeth. As I said, I will check with the Vet ... but thought I'd try some input here. Thank you again!
  4. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    I avoid things like that - and nylabones and antlers - because they are too hard to be good for teeth I think.
  5. mmomom

    mmomom Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    Thanx Julie! All good input, appreciate it. Like I said, I've always avoided chews period and now was just wondered what you people do/think.
  6. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    I know there is always a lot of discussion and debate about bones Juno has a Serrano ham bone perhaps once a week which she loves, which I get from a pet website in the UK.
  7. mmomom

    mmomom Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    Thanx Maccie. I know a lot of things are different in the US than in the UK. I'm still reading and love all the responses from you experts here! I will check with her Vet ... I've looked on the 'trusted' by me anyway, lol sites regarding them and they are also a little pricey, but if it's a good thing I won't mind. However, I certainly don't want to do anything detrimental either. So, jury still out here. :) Thanx again for the response!
  8. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    An alternative to bones are Smart Bones. I've had these for Juno but it's a pain to get them here as I have to order from Amazon UK and pay an extortionate charge for delivery! The last lot I had a bought in the UK in June and Juno has just finished them. The bones last Juno good 10 to 15 minutes, but they're not cheap but for once or twice a week it's not so bad.

  9. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Mmomom, do you mean elk antlers? They are really hard and there's a risk of breaking teeth. Over time they will definitely wear teeth down.

    For various reasons my dog has seen a veterinary dentist a few times and her advice is that all weight bearing mammal bones are too hard (that would include the pig leg bones in Serrano hams which would be extra hard due to being dried). They can break and certainly wear teeth. A broken tooth involves an extraction or root canal or otter expensive treatment - and it's also excruciatingly painful (although your dog will hide the pain and won't let you know they are suffering). I've had a dog with a badly broken tooth (from a cow leg bone) and it is really something you want to avoid!

    From a tooth perspective it's safe to feed softer bones that can be crushed and swallowed, like chicken, duck, rabbit, fish, lamb ribs or necks, oxtail, quail, turkey....

    Look after your dog's teeth - once adults they only have one set :)
  10. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Gosh, they last Charlie about a microsecond....and give him runny poo. Mind, the everlasting treats from bento balls last Charlie about 5 seconds....pah, everlasting my foot. :rolleyes:

    I have given up on all chews. He gets kongs, and rubber stick toys at hydro (he goes through 1.5 rubber sticks per session :rolleyes: because him just chomps them up...).
  11. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Ha, ha - Juno starts off by nibbling the smart bones and then licking them before she stars having a chew - very ladylike :D:D. I still thought 10 to 15 minutes wasn't that long as they promote them as long lasting :rolleyes::rolleyes:
  12. Mylestogo

    Mylestogo Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2015
    Lately I have been using the Everlasting Bento Ball but I just put various kibble and smelly treats inside the holes. Myles has to work harder and it can keep him busy for about 10 minutes. But I'm about done with chews, bully sticks, antlers. Everything is either too hard or upsets his tummy.
  13. mmomom

    mmomom Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    Wow .... thank you ALL for your input. First, let me say, I've not heard of most of the brands you mentioned here in the US! I've yet to contact the Vet regarding the Elk ... and yes, I think he said 'Antler', but not sure. That is what is worrying me .... don't want to injure her teeth. Although she is a 'chewer' as are most puppies, I don't notice her as being 'hard' on things like other dogs. She's really yet to destroy anything except one 'duck' that she and my daughter's dog were playing tug with. Of course everything she has is Kong ... but then thinking back, I remember Maggie destroying Kongs! LOL!! In any event, I thank you all for your input, but I'm not giving her anything until I check with her Vet. And, as so far as 'chews' go, I think I'll keep my stance on those and abstain. I'd hate to have her choke or worse yet, have her swallow one and get issues with that! I'll let you know what the Vet says, but in the meantime, thank you again. :)

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