Every two hours!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Wendy68, Dec 20, 2014.

  1. Wendy68

    Wendy68 Registered Users

    Apr 14, 2014
    What a night! Izzy has had me up every 2 hours! I'm shattered! And it's still only 5.20am. It's a lovely clear night out there with lots of lovely stars but I really don't need to see them so often! To be fair when she's whined she has needed to go, so I can't knock her for that. I'm sure things will get better........
  2. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: Every two hours!

    I feel your pain as it wasn't that long ago I was up all night with Willow! She had a few days of a runny bum and I ended up sleeping in the living room with her for a week so when she whined I could get her out immediately. It DOES get better and it doesn't take long, although at the time the sleep deprivation makes you think it will never end! Most people here have been through it, and a lot recently, too, so you're not alone :)
  3. Julie1962

    Julie1962 Registered Users

    Aug 24, 2014
    Re: Every two hours!

    I feel your pain we are into 3rd week of season with Elsie and I hoping she settles down when it ends as she has been having me up every hour or so, vet says she has a minor infection so we are watching her carefully in case it gets worse too. I blame my greying hair on our dogs I am sure they have aged me over the years !
  4. Debs

    Debs Registered Users

    Mar 2, 2014
    Re: Every two hours!

    Sending you much sympathy. It does get better, I promise! This was me back in May and June this year....I don't think I've ever felt so tired, even when I had babies! She will settle down, at 9 weeks, it's still early days.
  5. Rue7514

    Rue7514 Registered Users

    Aug 20, 2014
    Re: Every two hours!

    It might get old hearing 'it gets better' over and over, but it really does! The first two months we had Rue were so hard, and I was so exhausted and stressed all the time. I just wanted to cry! When she hit the 16 week mark, things really started turning around and she is now an absolute delight at 6 months. This will all be a distant memory very soon, don't worry! It goes by quickly!
  6. Wendy68

    Wendy68 Registered Users

    Apr 14, 2014
    Re: Every two hours!

    Thankyou for your kind words, i look forward to week 16! Im hoping tonight we will last more than 2 hours! Mind you my partner has promised to look after her tomorrow afternoon so i can have a few hours sleep, so im very excited about that! He doesnt do through the night as he works nearly every day! (Hes a pig farmer!)
    Today has been a good day, only had a few accidents, the rest of the time ive got her out on time.Still struggling with putting her in her crate during the day...howls the house down!
    But had lots of cuddles, playtimes, training and sleeping, so that makes up for it!
  7. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: Every two hours!

    I found a diary the other day about my nearly three year old Lab as a new pup. I used to let him sleep until he needed a pee, which was about 5.30am (I never woke him up for a pee) and within about two weeks he was sleeping through to 8am :)

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