Everything went to pot this morning

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by kateincornwall, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Oh dearie me , the walk started off so well too, but then degenerated and my usually good Little and Large were so naughty, yes Sam being naughty :eek: :eek:
    We were at the woods , all going well , Sam doing a few retrieves , Millie messing about scenting squirrelsbut never straying far from me . On our way back to the car park, I saw a lady coming towards me with her Border Terrier , have met her before and she struggles to keep any sort of control over Peggy who is very over enthusiastic ( thats being kind :) ) She asked if I would turn round and walk a little way with her as Peggy wanted to play and like a fool , I did . Peggy didnt want to play at all , she wanted to completely dominate my two , also began to throw herself at me, jumping up constantly, something I dont allow and Millie was not impressed , growling at this young whipper snapper, nothing serious but Millie didnt like the unwanted attention .
    For the first couple of months that we had Millie, she used to do this strange thing , she would fetch a stone from the river or bankside , carry it a few yards , place it carefully down and then cry at it , and I mean really cry , the most pathetic noise ever , she would also rub her face on the stone, treating it like a puppy . Over the past few weeks, this has diminished , I just gently distratced her with a ball or treat and she hasnt done it for quite some time until this morning when Peggy obviously stressed her out . Off she ran for a stone and began to whimper loudly , she refused to come to me and leave it . Meanwhile Sam decided to act up , I had told the lady that the walk wasnt working out and that I would return to the car, but Peggy was following us and refusing to recall , the lady had sausages , Sam knew this and so while Millie was screaming at a stone , Peggy leaping round me like a lunatic , Sam was following the source of the sausage , ignoring my calls , mahem ::) ::)
    Eventually , the lady managed to lunge at Peggy and put her on lead , I managed to get Millie away from her puppy substitute and Sam, knowing her had been naughty, hung his head and walked quietly by my side back to the car .
    Oh well , tomorrow is another day, put this walk down to failure and avoid Peggy like the plague in future :)
  2. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Everything went to pot this morning

    oh poor little Millie :(

    and naughty Sam ! (not that I can be cross at Sam for very long)

    hope subsequent walks are less eventful ! :D
  3. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Re: Everything went to pot this morning

    Oh dear! A nightmare walk indeed. Hopefully all will return to normal tomorrow.
  4. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Everything went to pot this morning

    I`m quite convinced that something awful has happened to Millie re puppies . Our Vet agrees that she has almost certainly had a litter due to her pronounced teats , I thought at first that it was a phantom, but am now thinking along different lines, that something really traumatic has happened to her, poor little soul :'(
  5. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Everything went to pot this morning

    Oh dear, I think giving Peggy a wide birth is in order or maybe you could in a very nice way, as only you could Kate, suggest to the owner that she TRAINS her dog!! - look who's talking :-[ I know pots and kettles, but I do try ::) Helen xx
  6. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Everything went to pot this morning

    Oh Kate ,if only she could talk.....whatever could it be?i don't want to think about it ,I'm just so glad she is with you now.
    I've got a Boris that I avoid here,it's NOT fun when you or your dog is worried to death by another dog .....
    Whilst Millie's morning walk makes me :'( sam following the sausage trail makes me ;D x
  7. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Re: Everything went to pot this morning

    Re puppies that occurred to me too when I read your post. Maybe she could have puppies one day?
  8. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Everything went to pot this morning

    No disputing that Helen, you try very hard indeed , deseve a medal for persistance and endurance ;D

    Unfortunately , this lady hasnt got a clue , the result being a friendly but completely manic little dog , it worries me that one day Peggy will fling herself at the wrong dog and end up being hurt ::)

    Just read your post David , we had thought about this but Millie has a very pronounced undershot jaw , these are almost always hereditory so it wouldnt really be right to let her have a litter, shame really as she is a super little dog and very maternal :)
  9. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Re: Everything went to pot this morning

    What a pity. She's clearly been badly traumatised (rather not think too deeply about that). She has landed on her feet now with you. Maybe she'd cuddle a toy?
  10. Alice

    Alice Registered Users

    Mar 13, 2013
    Re: Everything went to pot this morning

    Sorry to hear about your horrid walk.
    The story about Millie and the stones reminded me of the terrier we had when I was a young child. Sadly all except one of her pups were stillborn and the little one that was left only survived a matter of hours. I will never forget her whimpers when she couldn't awaken her pup and afterwards her searching for it. On a happier note she did go on to have a healthy litter.
    It shows how relaxed Millie feels (except when Peggy turns up) with her new family.
  11. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Everything went to pot this morning

    Thats very sad Alice :'( David , re toys, most of the time Millie ignores them completely but just occasionally , she will fetch one of the few remaining squeeky ones and do exactly the same with it , no destruction, just loving it and rubbing the side of her face on it .
    Its heartbreaking , I try not to think too much about what has happened in her past life but it certainly involves lost pups , the irony also is that its always a stone from the river or river bank , doesnt do to overthink , just too sad :'(

    Sam , well he knew he had messed up big time , he actually did walk with his head down , hates being in trouble , I guess the lure of sausage just proved too much this morning and he seized the moment when all the other chaos was happening :)
  12. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Everything went to pot this morning

    Kate, just had a thought and hope it helps. After Hattie was spayed and she has NOT had puppies. She wouldn't let her squeaky horrible chicken out of her sight, crying, licking, nudging, searching for it if it was misplaced, taking it to bed and this for a few weeks and every now and then she does exactly the same thing so I just put it away. Thomas bought her a different green awful duck and she did the exact same thing. So I really don't understand what goes on in her head.

    It's hard not to over think with a rescue, I know I do, Charlie hates tea towels but only if a male is holding one, so I guess he must have been hit with one in a previous home :'( Poor little Millie, all we can do is reassure them, love and give them a warm home and that's exactly what you are doing Kate. So lucky little Millie :)

    Sam cheer up everyone has little lapses just look at Charlie :eek: ::) Helen xx
  13. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Everything went to pot this morning

    Poor little Millie Kate... Luckily she has you and Sam and your husband now...
  14. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Everything went to pot this morning

    poor millie don't even think about the past, millie as been very blessed to be with a loving caring family .....stay away from peggy, :mad:
    you have got to just love sam, what a star, he is one in a million :)

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