excited greeting

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by caroleb, Oct 19, 2012.

  1. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    yesterday I had a visit from a tree surgeon to give me price to cut back a large willow tree. When he arrived I asked if he minded dogs before I sent him to the back gate as the boys were already in the garden. They were VERY excited when he walked through the gate but calmed down fairly quickly before proceeding to show off for him running around the garden at full speed and bringing various gifts of flower pots / toys / tennis balls to be dropped at his feet.

    I didn't know whether to laugh or be jealous - I wouldn't have minded jumping on him and having a sniff myself!
  2. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: excited greeting

    That's brilliant :D

    Riley always rushes backwards and forwards undecided wether he'll meet them first if he stays in the garden or goes in the house. Some of the things he brings as presents make me laugh. He managed to get a baby dummy the other day and had it the right way round in his mouth with the retainer dangling down. Sadly he dropped it before I could get a photo!!
  3. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: excited greeting

    You two have given me a much needed giggle .
    Carole :eek: :eek: Jumping all over him , no doubt with a rose between your teeth as an offering ;)

    I wish that Sam were a little more enthusiastic with visitors, he simply cant be bothered unless he thinks they may be suckers for a ball game ::)
  4. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    Re: excited greeting

    :) barbera! I brought Barney that cuddly toy that looks like lips - must post a photo later ;D ;D

    Yes Kate - if I'd had a tail it would have been wagging! I was doubly pleased I'd been out early to a business meeting so actually looked presentable, a bigger wag as he talked about his two golden retrievers - a dog lover! Then he started talking about his 8 week old baby -dammit :'( I knew he was too good to be wandering around untethered. Sigh. Ho hum at least I'll get to admire the view on Monday when he comes back to do the job ;)

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