Extra tired today....??

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Donna811, Nov 30, 2017.

  1. Donna811

    Donna811 Registered Users

    Nov 17, 2017
    Hi, this may sound like a silly question but here goes anyway. My 10 week old pup has been pretty energetic since we got her a couple of weeks ago but on a couple of days she seems to just want to doze for most of the day.

    Normally she’s been having a sleep from around 10am til noon and again around 4 - 6pm. She’s then active for another couple of hours before snoozing on the sofa and goes in her crate from about 10.30-11.00pm I know puppies sleep a lot but it’s the constant dozing state that confuse me! Are they like children in that some days they have growth spurts and need more sleep?

    Also does teething upset their tummies?
  2. Jojo83

    Jojo83 Registered Users

    Feb 11, 2017
    Sounds pretty normal to me :) Some pups, just like us humans, like to snooze more than others :). If she's pretty active for a few days having a day where she wants to snooze more sounds fine to me as long as she's eating, drinking, playing, peeing and pooing as normal in between.
    Teething can upset puppies tummies just like human baby teething but at 10 weeks old you are quite a few weeks away from teething troubles. If your pup has an upset tummy though it could explain the reason for wanting to snooze more.
  3. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Puppies sleep a lot!

    If they do lots of new things they sleep even more. My Keir is six months old now and sleeps the afternoon away!

    But, lethargy can be an indication of something wrong - so do go by your instincts and call the vet if her tiredness seems ‘not right’.

    Have you got the Happy Puppy Handbook? - it’s my puppy bible!

  4. Snowshoe

    Snowshoe Registered Users

    Sep 5, 2015
    Ontario, Canada
    It's a good question from an observant parent. :) To your questions: Yes. They do have growth spurts. Some do get a bit of upset, especially if gnawing on and swallowing things they should not.

    She sounds pretty active to me. At 10 weeks mine needed a snooze before a couple of hours of activity. They could not maintain hours at that age. Puppies do sleep a lot, her schedule is just catching up with her. Could be too, she's well settled in now (you've had her two weeks?) and able to relax better now.

    Keep an eye on her but I suspect it's nothing. Enjoy her snoozes, you can get something done during them. :)
  5. Donna811

    Donna811 Registered Users

    Nov 17, 2017
    Thanks for the tips. Generally she’s pretty busy and as you describe Snowshoe she has a couple of hours activity and is then in need of a nap. Yes she’s been with us a couple of weeks now.

    As mentioned just a couple of days where she’s not as active as normal but yes eating, drinking, playing etc as normal. Just smaller bursts of activity and then back for a lie down!

    I have decided to put her back from 3 meals (as suggested by the breeder) to 4 smaller meals today as she has loose poo but not diarrhoea which is why I was asking about teething. I will see if her poo improves today!! :$

    Yes Boogie, I have got the Happy Puppy Handbook and this Forum is really helpful too. I will keep a close eye on her to see how she gets on today.

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