Feeding advice

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Iain, Mar 25, 2024.

  1. Iain

    Iain Registered Users

    Mar 25, 2024
    Hello Lab lovers!

    We have a 5 1/2 month old Black Labrador who is fed pre prepared raw food which he has suddenly began to turn his nose up at after usually inhaling it twice a day with around 100g of oily fish at dinner time.

    Is it a question of that we're feeding him too much as he transitions into an adolescent?

    We currently give him around 5% of his body weight - he's 24kg. Both his father & grandfather are big award winning Beater & Gun Dogs, both around 35 -37kg with long legs & huge feet, as are other sires in his pedigree.

    I've done the skin pinch test around his ribs etc and he's certainly not overweight plus he regularly exercises in the fields around us.

    Just after a bit of advice really.

  2. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    Hi Iain, if you offer alternative foods, does he eat those? If not, it sounds like a trip to your vet is the best next step, I'm afraid. There are lots of reasons pups suddenly lose their appetite but it's important to start by ruling out illness/pain.

    The vet can also help you decide if your portions are just too generous for his needs at the moment :)
  3. Iain

    Iain Registered Users

    Mar 25, 2024
    He's not lost his appetite, he'll eat sardines mixed with puree'd veg all day long given half the chance. He enjoys his rabbit ears & 100% meat sticks and his fruit smoothies and has bags of energy. It's just that one day he loved his chicken, Beef etc the next he didn't.
  4. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    Their growth slows a lot from 5 1/2 ish months old so their feeding requirement also reduces.
    What's his current body condition score?
    If he's otherwise well, I would just offer a little less and take it up after a couple of minutes and not offer again until his next meal time.
  5. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    Great news that he's not lost his appetite :)

    Some dogs with really 'hold out' for their favourite foods, if they're offered what they perceive as more 'boring' alternatives. I agree with 5labs - I would just take up what he doesn't eat, and maybe cut back on the tasty sardines etc a bit too, so he's not able to fill up on them :)

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