First visit to a kennels...

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by amandamumma, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. amandamumma

    amandamumma Registered Users

    Feb 12, 2014
    Hi all,

    Well, we took Lily to stay overnight (3pm-3pm) this weekend as we had some commitments that we could not take the dog to.

    We thought we'd try a local kennels for our girl who's 7 months old, but - stupidly - I hadn't got her vaccinated for kennel cough but the staff said that was ok as they could put her in quarantine, presumably so that she didn't catch it. We had visited them previously (last week) and all seemed ok; it's out in the country, with clean kennels and in a good state of repair, nice people, several dogs who were regulars there for doggy daycare whose tails were wagging :) so all seemed ok.

    We picked Lily up yesterday at 3pm and I checked her over for fleas but I think she is ok - a few thunder flies (not fleas as far as I can see) but seemed ok... But they said she had soiled in her bed (she has NEVER done this at home, even as a pup) and that seemed to me to be a warning sign. Is that normal?

    Also, she is very quiet today. We were wondering why (but secretly rather liking this slightly less exuberant Lily) but this evening she is barking in a high squeaky/husky voice... sounds like Kennel Cough to me. We are due to go to the vets on Thursday for her KC vaccination (yes, stable door and horse spring to mind) and I know this is all my fault for taking her to a place where she could catch it, but I wanted to ask:

    1. Am I right to be a bit annoyed that Lily has still caught Kennel Cough even though they said they'd keep her in quarantine and away from other dogs when out of the kennel/exercising?

    2. Is Lily suffering, i.e. can it wait until Thursday to visit the vets or should I go tomorrow?

    3. Should I inform the kennel that she has contracted it if/when it is confirmed by the vet?

    4. It is only 24 hours since she came home and she is exhibiting symptoms; I thought the incubation period was 36 hours?

    Poor girl. I feel so terrible.

    Many thanks.
  2. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: First visit to a kennels...

    Oh no :( sorry to hear it hasn't been a good experience at the kennels. Firstly I would take her to the vets tomorrow and get her checked over. If they confirm it is kennel cough, then I would inform the kennel.
    As for the could be because it was a new place ??? Or that she wasn't comfortable there?
    Hopefully she will be back to herself soon. Let us know how you get on at the vets x
  3. amandamumma

    amandamumma Registered Users

    Feb 12, 2014
    Re: First visit to a kennels...

    Thanks for the advice Naya - I feel unhappy with the kennels despite feeling partly responsible.

    I will make an appointment tomorrow with the vet and let you know how I get on... As for the soiling, I thought maybe it was just because Lily was worried or uncomfortable there, but not a good sign I think.
  4. Penny+Me

    Penny+Me Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2013
    Re: First visit to a kennels...

    Now kennels is something I have a lot of experience with, those these are boarding, it's all the same.

    1. You can be annoyed that she has caught kennel cough, however it's pretty much a given that an unvaccinated dog going into kennels is going to pick it up. Even if all the dogs there are vaccinated against it. There are several types of kennel cough so vaccinating against one doesn't give you a 100% chance of never picking it up.

    2. If she is well in herself and still eating and active it can probably wait a few days but you must not let her near other dogs. If she seems unwell then take her sooner rather than later. Tell the vet on the phone you suspect kennel cough as they will not want you in the waiting room to potentially infect other animals.

    3. As with any other illness incubation periods can vary depending on the dogs. Lily may have a low immune system at the moment due to the stress of going into the kennels, even if it was just for a night, making her more susceptible to infections.

    The toilet ing in her bed when at the kennels is a sign of stress, I've seen it a lot in the dogs I've looked after.
  5. amandamumma

    amandamumma Registered Users

    Feb 12, 2014
    Re: First visit to a kennels...

    Many thanks Penny+Me, that makes me feel better - so she could have caught it at any kennels actually, it's just one of those things. Though the kennel didn't warn me that this was a possibility, especially given that she wasn't vaccinated. Also, when the kennel chap mentioned the soiling, it was as if he was a bit surprised... both signs of inexperience perhaps? Or perhaps I am being too harsh or overthinking it.

    I will keep Lily away from other dogs and call the vet tomorrow, good call about phoning ahead with this one; although she is eating, I think she is running a slight temperature.

    I love the forums, it is like a big agony aunt you can tell all your worries to ;D - thanks again!
  6. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: First visit to a kennels...

    Kennel cough vaccinations protect against the main two viral and bacterial forms of kennel cough (the ones that can make your dog very ill) but they can still catch any of the many other less serious forms (which are just like catching a cold for humans). It's very contagious. My dog is vaccinated but still got kennel cough, though he recovered pretty quickly (the vet put him on antibiotics). He got it at our dog club (several dogs in his class came down with it at the same time).

    But - don't worry, she will be fine :) I would take her to the vet ASAP for a diagnosis. When you get to the vet's leave her in the car (with someone) till they are ready to see you to minimise contact with other dogs.

    Definitely tell the kennel if the vet suspects kennel cough. It doesn't sound like their 'quarantine' procedures were worth a lot. I would be inclined to consider other options if you need to leave Lily overnight again :)
  7. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: First visit to a kennels...

    What a shame you haven't had a good experience :(
    Hope she is feeling better very soon.
  8. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: First visit to a kennels...

    I am surprised they let her stay as she hadn't had kennel cough vaccine. I believe it is usually mandatory? Hope she doesn't have kennel cough, perhaps just has a sore throat from barking, probably not happy in the kennels if she soiled her bed. Perhaps you could gentle get her used to kennels by putting her in just for the day.
  9. amandamumma

    amandamumma Registered Users

    Feb 12, 2014
    Re: First visit to a kennels...

    Hi all,

    Thank you for your get well messages. I have taken Lily to the vets and, luckily, it is not kennel cough; it is just that she is hoarse from barking! She is a little better now so heading in the right direction. But it is good to know for future reference that there are other strains of kennel cough which she could have caught even with the vaccination and that it is not unusual for dogs to catch them. Having said that, I am concerned that she seems to have been unhappy at the kennels, hence the barking and soiling.

    I have now been looking at other options, i.e. dog sitters, in our area and that seems to be a preferable option. I have sent an email and am awaiting a reply :). I like the sound of the process: they match the dog to the right people following a meeting in our home, where they meet Lily and find out all about her and her routine.

    I'll let you know how we get on :D
  10. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: First visit to a kennels...

    Glad it didn't turn out to be kennel cough :)
    There are several dog sitters out there who have the dogs stay in their home for weekends/a week at a time. A friend has used one locally and was really pleased and their dog enjoyed staying with the other family :) good luck x
  11. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: First visit to a kennels...

    It does sound as though Kennels isn't the right place for Lily. I think they can be stressful places.

    I needed to leave Charlie in rehabilitation kennels for a while. This place was a converted cottage, with only 4 or 5 dogs, with little partitions forming the kennels right inside the cottage, a sitting room that the dogs could go into time to time, and a member of staff who slept with the dogs (almost literally, they had a sofa bed right outside the dogs' spaces).

    Charlie still got stressed eventually though (luckily he was well enough to come home at that point). It's just not the same as being in a home, no matter how good.
  12. Jen

    Jen Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2013
    Re: First visit to a kennels...

    I remember reading, a long time ago now, that it's best to either leave a dog in a strange place with someone it knows or leave a dog in a place it knows.

    That view may have changed I don't know and obviously there are situations which arise when it's not practical but if you haven't got family you could leave her with then a dog sitter would be a good idea. She wil soon get to know her sitter. :D
  13. lablover

    lablover Registered Users

    Jan 26, 2014
    Re: First visit to a kennels...

    I'm thinking seperation anxiety. Only reason I say that is and I know it's not the same thing but when megs was 8 I had to leave her at vets for day so they could do x-rays because she had started limping badly. It was only from 7.30 - 4 but she was the same. Very high sort of squeaky bark, and she was not happy when I picked her up. Vet said she wasn't happy and so a nurse stayed with her. Each time the nurse left her for any reason she barked. Now she hates vets :)
  14. amandamumma

    amandamumma Registered Users

    Feb 12, 2014
    Re: First visit to a kennels...

    Yes I did think separation anxiety too, but she went to the vets at 4 months old for an emergency op (eaten a foreign body) and seemed just fine, all things considered. Then again, it could still be separation anxiety...

    But I am thinking - as with the comment about leaving a dog in a place he knows or in a strange place with someone he knows, that dog sitting would be good if Lily could meet the sitter beforehand and come home with me. Then it wouldn't be a strange place or person?? Perhaps. Unfortunately, we cannot leave her with family so it might just be a case of putting in some effort to make the next experience away from home a positive one.
  15. Penny+Me

    Penny+Me Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2013
    Re: First visit to a kennels...

    I'm glad it's not kennel cough!

    You might find something like home boarding, where they go and stay in someone's house possibly with a couple of other dogs, is more suitable as at least it's more familiar than a kennels. Or maybe dog 'apartments' rather than kennels so they have a room, sometimes with a TV and a sofa or their dog bed.
  16. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: First visit to a kennels...

    Our Cavaliers used to go to kennels - they loved it, but also came home hoarse!

    Tatze goes to my friends, but if she's away to a dog sitter. She then comes home exhausted due to so much play with other dogs. The little ones especially wear her out.

    I think I prefer hoarse!!

  17. Joy

    Joy Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2014
    Re: First visit to a kennels...

    Glad it wasn't kennel cough. I think I'd look into home boarding. A friend's dog went to someone's home and seemed very relaxed.
  18. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: First visit to a kennels...

    We've always used home boarding or friends' houses and 99% of the time it's worked well. As long as the hosts are caring and dog savvy people it goes well. Avoid families with small children though unless your dog is well known to them.

    I don't think it's 'separation anxiety' in the sense that this implies an ongoing 'syndrome' of some kind. I don't think she has an anxiety condition. I'd just say it's completely normal for a dog to be anxious and call out for its family (ie bark continuously) if left alone in a strange environment with inadequate human contact. In a normal, caring home environment I'm sure she'll be just fine :)

    Really glad it's not kennel cough!! :)
  19. Jen

    Jen Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2013
    Re: First visit to a kennels...

    My mums cousin has two lurchers. She has a dog sitter who comes and stays with her dogs when they go away.

    Obviously there is risk to this as you are leaving and trusting a stranger in your home but if you are ok with that then that would probably be a good solution for Lily especially if the sitter comes to get to know her first. Then she will be at home with someone she sort of knows and will get to know better.

    Is that the kind of service the dog sitters in your area offer ?
  20. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: First visit to a kennels...

    [quote author=Jen link=topic=7053.msg96930#msg96930 date=1406232753]
    My mums cousin has two lurchers. She has a dog sitter who comes and stays with her dogs when they go away.

    Obviously there is risk to this as you are leaving and trusting a stranger in your home but if you are ok with that then that would probably be a good solution for Lily especially if the sitter comes to get to know her first. Then she will be at home with someone she sort of knows and will get to know better.

    Is that the kind of service the dog sitters in your area offer ?

    My friend does this job. Since she was widowed she has lived in many houses looking after pets, she loves it.

    But it's VERY expensive - £40 a day! :eek:

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